Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

The tears of self appointed elitists

Like, maybe the very first week or so when OG mage tower was out they were a challenge

But honestly the moment you got a bit of gear they were easy, frost so probably the only thing I struggled with cuz I didn’t play frost for years and still got it done early enough

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I never understood this remove it mentality i got the weapons and wouldnt care one bit if they brought them back there was nothing hard about them in legion so its not impressive examples bear tank get the luffa lego with the range kruul was a cake walk same with Dk and warrior healing tower cake walk also with the lego dps tower dont get me started mega cake walking boomkin melted everything on twins warlock infernal afk for 30 mins never pull aggro dk use the holy potion etc to deal extra damage on imp mother the fact you have these doesnt make you a good player just means you were PLAYING at the time and people shouldnt have to miss out on stuff like this cause they just started the game i got a couple mop challenge mode sets easy invis pots watch a video on pathing=win think about how much content they would have if this stuff was still in the game but just scales you down allowing new,old, and returning players a chance to get it and if your so hung up on flexing your epeen you could link the achivment date to make yourself feel better

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Jealousy and envy of whom? I got the mage tower weapons I wanted. I’ve enjoyed them for years. How would I lose anything if other people got them? Other people already have them!


i guarantee that the shadowlands version is WAY more challenging than the legion version of mage tower.


so go and get that soaring spelltome if you like the challenge.

They were also wildly unbalanced and inconsistent.

You couldn’t reeeally outgear tank or healer. Not NEARLY the same way you could as a DPS at least.

The healer one was punishing hard. Actual asenine complete with Jarod pulling a Leroy Jenkins.

But I’d just won’t bring myself to lose sleep if every druid got the healer artifact skin with less effort.

I really couldn’t care less.


People like you who demand exclusivity forever really are horrible for this game.

Like, I get having some exclusivity, for a period of time. Give you some time to get a shiny and show it off. That’s all well and good. But after a certain time has passed, it should be made available again, for doing hard content, so other players can have a chance at getting that stuff again and you can get a legacy achievement to mark that you earned it ‘back in the day’.

This line annoys me the most, because you’re acting like every single person playing today started with the Legion expansion or earlier. Guess what? They didn’t. Some people joined during BFA, other people joined during Shadowlands. They literally never had a chance to get the Legion MT weapons, because by the time they joined they were already gone.

So they get to see you run around with your exclusive appearances, and when they ask ‘how can I get that awesome look’ they get told “Nah, you can’t anymore because Blizzard wanted to let some players ego stroke forever.”

I don’t agree with that, and I don’t think new players should be punished and not be able to get certain looks/toys/mounts because someone who was there back in the day wants to ego stroke.


but i would care more

You should work on that.


the appearances were a “thank you” from the devs to the loyal people who were subbed during legion.

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Why not bring them back but make them just as hard, if not more so? Give people a chance to earn them properly, don’t give em away. They still have their prestege, and people aren’t expected to have a time machine. Win win.

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And I literally don’t care.

You’ve had 6 years of exclusive access to them now, and as someone who has one of those appearances myself, it’s time to share.


its time to not and the devs agree with me

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You’ve had it long enough to be “special” they can bring it back as enough time has passed. relax

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No, no more FOMO and give Evoker legendaries like Devastation is easy just an updated Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest as for Preservation no ideas oh and of course a class mount which could be the ability to turn into an actual Dragon and fly around :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

The devs also invented domination shards doesnt always mean it’s a good idea

but they havent and they never will

Crazy thing about that. The devs can change their minds.

Remember the ‘Wall of No’ where Blizzard devs constantly said that classic WoW was never, ever going to be a thing? Used to appear on these forums every single time a ‘Blizzard should make classic WoW’ thread appeared. Players who were anti-classic felt for sure that Blizzard would never create classic WoW and the ‘devs agreed with them’.

They don’t agree now.

They won’t agree with your selfishness forever either.

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classic was a lucrative business venture that proved successful.

these are in game pixels. they arent that important and they dont bring extra money.

so theyre never bringing them back

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