Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

no, no no. dont listen to this guy because there are MANY people who love to flaunt what others dont got


Nah, don’t listen to this guy who gets his kicks flexing on pixels that weren’t that hard to get at the end of the xpac

Let everyone enjoy them, same goes to pandaland CM armor sets

I’d rather see people enjoy these appearances than see them vanish from the game entirely


Not a lot of people have Invincible but I don’t flaunt it anymore because it’s looking a little old-ish

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too bad theyre never bringing the stuff back.

I feel like the consensus among most people who earned mage tower weapons is that they should become available again… it seems to be a small minority of people who want them to stay removed…


Is this the real Tupac and back from extended hiatus?

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Cmon guys, don’t get so trolled by this OP.

Aren’t flails being added to the game anyways in DF ?

I hope they do, considering they’ve already re-added “removed” appearances in the past

Im against FOMO, outside of Titles

Make titles the only thing removed from the game, cuz a line of text requires significantly less work than armor/weapon appearances

I legit can’t remember the last time I seen the monk CM armor


I honestly think it’s more evenly split than that. Mage tower was a big deal and the main issue is that Blizzard said multiple times that they wanted it to be exclusive, a lot of people agree with that.

But if they decided to 180, it wouldn’t necessarily be the first time.

IMO, if it was put into the Timewalking version it would be fine.

Some people will attest the Timewalking version is actually more difficult in some areas.

The more I see topics like this the more I feel like letting everyone have them simply out of spite, though realistically if someone can earn it they deserve it. This “timed exclusivity” bs has always annoyed me.


if its so annoying why do you still play the game?

1,000% agree with everything here.

100% is

I used my xpac preorder to boost a druid and managed to do the tank/feral challenges with honestly 0 effort, like sub 5 attempts each

The current version is significantly harder

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Counterpoint: Nah it won’t.


It’s funny. Unholy DK is by far my favorite appearance.

Went in there blind, no guides, nothing, and got it in 3 attempts.


I thought it was a joke lol


counterpoint: you’re just entitled

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Sweet. What am I entitled to?


jealousy and envy