you don’t even have the achievement for completing all mage tower challenges for one class, though?
i did the outlaw and ret paladin ones. the only ones i enjoyed looking at
This same poster creating a bunch of new troll alts tonight… been busy.
FOMO is so overrated.
I do wish I could bring my own MT weapons over from my EU account but wrong place wrong time I guess.
fine, well then have blizzard bring back every weapon except those two and you’ll be perfectly unaffected.
.5% did them all anyway. every one who has the mage tower artifact has a cent in this discussion. and i will defend the sanctity of these precious forever.
Great bait. Keep up the good work, op
Boo Hoo. You did it and your achievement tells everyone who cares how “good” you are. That’s your reward. Allow others to be able to grab something that enhances their characters too. Removing content doesn’t enhance your game it detracts from it.
you already get great tier recolors for completing it. is that not enough? are you that entitled?
and a flying book mount.
. . . FOMO is a cancerous blight that breeds nothing but vanity, narcissism, and an obsession with one’s “epeen”.
bring it all back I say, just don’t hand it out on a silver platter.
edit: never thought THIS old April Fools joke would be so . . . relevant . . .
People be feeling threatened over how they might potentially lose the 2% prestige they got. So they defend it to the death
It’s impossible to have an intelligent conversation about this topic because it goes the way of “Yeah well… Get used to it. I’m special you’re not yadda yadda”
could ask you the same thing honestly… if someone were to achieve my ret paladin mage tower sword, i really wouldn’t care because it doesnt take away my sword.
no im the anti entitlement. im the person who is flaunting the precious and making other mad about it and they get consumed in their entitlement and envy and hate. its funny
Good job with the two appearances and I am glad they make you happy
i get comments on the 10 RBG ret one all the time. it makes me feel special
but you dont even have the acheivement for winning one RBG?
your life must be pretty sad for you to feel special over some imaginary pixels. seek help.
Oof, im sorry berks but you just got served
oh please. if you were to get that one thing you were hoping to get for 10 years youd be feeling special in getting it too. i swear the entitlement is strong here. it reeks
As someone who actually has multiple mage tower weapon appearances, unlike OP
Make them all available, super easily too, idc lol
I earned them years ago and had years of showing them off, mays well let other people enjoy them now