Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

POV you got caught with a bad take but don’t want to admit it so you say “agree to disagree” nah. That was bad take friend.

If you wanted to argue time sensitivity just say that. Don’t try to rap it into “muh difficulty and prestige” when it’s clearly not that. It’s an “I was there thing”

For the sake of argument are achievements are already preserved. This is quite literally what the achievement system is for.


Some of the WoW community is weird. This is content why would they not let people play content. The prestige is beating said content not FOMO. No one cares that you beat it 2 yrs ago. If it’s relevant it should be in the game.

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You’re free to go through my post history. I very often say “time sensitive means time sensitive”. The person I was responding to specifically tried to say this though:

And I disagree with this take, as I voiced it. You’re free to validate that if you wish though, my post history is open.

Then stick with that. The argument with prestige and difficulty made no sense at all.

You can disagree as much as you’d like but the reality is simple, for many it really is a they logged in during antorus and did it. (This is the same for me as well.) I admit it was cool to see people with the mage tower mogs during tomb of sargeras, but it was immediately devalued as a difficulty trophy when it wasn’t rebalanced after the patch.


You’re entitled to that opinion. I still disagree. Again, it’s fine. We don’t have to agree. Prestige is also subjective. People look at my achievements for PvP and much higher rated players think nothing of me, and people who haven’t hit those points might think it’s prestigious.

I’ve had people look me up on check-PvP and think I’m a great player and others try to poke holes in my experience whenever possible.

It is absolutely fine, and I mean this, that you think mage towers mean nothing because maybe Jimmy got it late in the expansion as opposed to Bobby who did it week two of it being out. But I don’t think it’s right to tell Bobby what he did means nothing because Jimmy did it way later for any number of reasons.

It’s okay. I’ll stick to my guns on that. Now, for real. Have a good night.

This is a terrible way to think in todays gaming world. FOMO is not content. If the content is relevant and still accessible it should be in the game. Taking things away so joe shmuck can feel like a snowflake is not respecting peoples time. I want it for the achievement to say I did it not because you were standing around in capital showing off to the new players like “look at me I’m special”… This isn’t 2007 anymore people take breaks or have other responsibilities. Time gating things is dumb in this day and age.

FOMO’s a boogie man people made up because they want everything and wish people would stop being proud of their accomplishments. It’s a buzz word. Anything in this game that you deem “FOMO” someone has done in so little as week because they managed their time correctly, and put in some effort.

I think it’s terrible people want everything to be nothing other than a participation trophy. I think it’s terrible people can’t let other people enjoy their success in their hobbies. I think it’s silly that people sit here and scream for things they want so bad for literal years in the hopes Blizzard will eventually cave like a weak parent like they did with mage towers.

It’s okay that someone cannot go back and get everything in this game. It’s okay that someone cannot go and get the mount for KSM season 1 in Shadowlands. It’s okay that someone cannot go back and get an elite mog from WoD season 1 despite how epic those looked. It’s okay someone cannot go back and get bloody tyranny because they didn’t play during MoP and it is by far the sickest enchant in the game.

It’s alright. Nobody needs everything. And people will be fine.

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just like “prestige”?


And this at it’s core is the real problem that came with Mage Tower. They did it but never added a replacement in BFA or SL. Nobody complains about Elite or AOTC mounts. Why? Because these happen each expansion. Mage Tower was something designed for the Solo Player but they discontinued it. And this is why it gets such an abundant amount of asks. Maybe they’ll finally create a new one in Dragonflight but I wouldn’t get anyone’s hopes up.


Thats a lot of words just to say. You want to feel special.

Look no one cares when you did it or how long it took you. If it is relevant content and offers stuff for people to do. Then it should be in the game. FOMO is not a buzzword it’s a tactic and one blizzard and many other companies like to use. Just take a look at their news page with the. “Things you should do”. You can die on this hill it doesn’t make you right though.

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Correct. Yes. Absolutely. I said it earlier in the thread, there could be a flippin’ tower of doom in the middle of Valdrakken. It should be a challenging piece of content with rewards better than the mage tower so people of all backgrounds can have time sensitive things which they like. Every single expansion should have something which is time sensitive, and on the same caliber of interest and challenge, as the mage tower. BFA and SL not having one is a failure of the development cycle.

However, it doesn’t mean that the mage tower should come back. It means we should be demanding more challenging solo content with the same idea as the mage tower, which challenges players for new and interesting rewards. That way prestige is maintained, and people are always confident they can have something to chase.


And you’ll be fine if people have the weapons.


I would be yes, but as I said up there, time sensitive means time sensitive. And Blizzard came to these very forums and said outright that they will respect player time and achievement. And I agree with that stance.

You act like I have some kind of control either way in this situation. I don’t. I simply agree with Blizzard’s stance. And that’s okay.

Blizzard say a lot of things. Things change with time who cares if other people can get it? And why does it matter so much to you?

That’s like me complaining about the mythic plus tmog from legion that I put hours into and people can solo and get on their own.

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Because I will, as I have said more than once, always advocate for trophies and time sensitive content. Some people, like me, enjoy chasing things down knowing I have a deadline to perform.

When I am told, “Shad, you have X amount of days to get this done” I say “word I’m in”, and I go to get it done. I have goals every season specifically getting the time sensitive things from it that I want. Duelist, KSM, AOTC. After that? Then I can bum around and chill out.

Keep in mind, again, I have no control in this situation. I just play the game the way I like. You’re asking why I like time sensitive stuff. This is why. It gives me goals. If the above didn’t happen? I’d be incredibly bored.

I was one hundred percent under the assumption we’d get one in shadowlands too. We had torghast which was all about solo play and for some reason instead we got the laziest route possible: timewalking mage tower with some pretty eh reskins unless you are a druid.

For sure. Players are always bad at voicing their requests though so we get these threads debating on whether or not mage tower appearances should come back. I personally believe if they made a new solo challenge these requests could die down a lot.

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Oh yeah, 100%. I had hopes with the mage tower being ever green these requests would cease, but it’s funny how the second it goes down for extended maintenance, people begin spamming threads about this again.

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These threads were never about the new mage tower going down, it was about how the new mage tower doesn’t offer rewards as good as the previous one.

I agree… The only skins I like are the fel bear and the monk…

I don’t even like the druid t20 re-color for doing the mage tower… personally, i like the original ToS mythic druid set better.

But the fel bear, that was well-done and i love my monk set too.

Nope, we know. Still applies. I don’t care if you missed it because you weren’t even born yet, you missed it or didn’t do it during the set time. You’ll need to pick from the hundreds of other cosmetic weapon options.

so uhh, you’re going to have to source that one for me to believe that. Cause Blizzard saying “We will respect player time” seems pretty out of character.