Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

No, we cannot. Blizzard can, but Blizzard won’t because they lose everything from it and gain nothing.

So keep wasting your keyboard away if you want, it won’t happen.

They gain player happiness because more people get a shot at appearances they missed out on.
The only thing they lose is the approval of some players who aren’t worth appealing to anyway. No sweat off their backs.

So all I see is a net positive. c: Go go Blizz, make others happy.


No, they don’t.

They are worthless items as I’ve been told by the players e-begging for them.

Losing one of their best sub retention mechanism isn’t worth it. They can just make new rewards for you to be content with.

“It’s ok for Blizz to do something if it hurts someone I don’t like” :clown_face:

That’s nice dear but don’t care. c:

Bring 'em back.

Status quo remains.

Implying that having other players achieve something you did in the past one time somehow hurts you

jester face

yay I’m hip now

And how does it hurt your side by not having them? The rewards are “worthless” after all.

Because they don’t have them.

They’re worth whatever you deem necessary. I’m not suggesting otherwise, my whole argument is, I wouldn’t mind if people got them. :woman_shrugging:

Yknow what? Bring it back, permanently. And make it SUUUUUUUUUPER easy.

Like one shottable, just to rub it in to all the people not wanting others to get the same purty pixels.


thats where we differ then. i did the mop cm armor on my druid cause it was a really cool looking set and i wanted it along with a phoenix. i didnt do it because it was some prestige or limited time thing but cause i liked how it looked. i skiped the wod weapons cause they werent appealing to me so the prestige still doesnt count and i got all of the mage tower skins since i wanted roughly 30 of them so i figured i would just finish out the ones i didnt so i can say i got them all. but again not cause they were limited time just something i wanted. its 100% entitled to want something to stay rare because you have it and want to feel special rather than other people have it and be happy seeing other people with it to. the value of it is how it looks and not how you got it when it was current and now anyone who didnt cant if anything that lessens the value to me


This is definitely not entitled, this is a core foundational aspect of online games. It was a difficult time limited challenge giving a reward, which I needed to improve to get. I would not be happy seeing new players with the same set, I would be happy seeing new players with a brand new cooler set that I also need to work for.

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Their worth is tied mostly to their timed exclusivity.

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No, people like us don’t forget that- but we don’t care. That’s not our fault or Blizzard’s fault, and those people shouldn’t be accommodated for their late join to the game.

Strictly speaking, it is by definition. People were charged money for an item being given out for free. Doesn’t matter it or was $3 for a card pack or $3,000 on the secondary market.

No, you. You’re not the center of the world and it’s not incumbant upon Blizzard to give you everything you want because you cry loud.

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dude you must be really bad at the game to say it was a difficult challenge. the main classes i play i did during tomb when it was a challenge but for the majority of them probably close to 30 of the 36 all i did was wait till antorus came out get normal raid ilvl and 1 shot them because they were that much of a joke. stop acting like this was something super hard to get. i could understand the arguement if any of the limited time stuff was hard to get but not a single thing was. some rng others just dont suck and the 3rd group is just pvp for elite when its current cause nobody cries louder than those special snowflakes who need to feel special with there limited time mythic raid recolor that they only have

not in the slightest. their worth is how they look cause if it isnt appealing then nobody wants it

yes, bring them back stop listening to these people blizzard no one wins with their logic.

Clearly it hasn’t, or people wouldn’t be winging about not having it.

I started in cata when I was a kid, so yeah it was difficult. I had to stop clicking and actually learn how to play the game. It was a challenge available for the ENTIRE expansion where everyone was on equal footing, not some loot pinata item arbitrarily given away.

Just because you don’t care is not a good reason to hand everything out. You fail to understand the core foundation of MMOs is rewards that you need to work for, and exclusivity plays a big factor.

This is correct as you could power level yourself originally. However, now everything scales down to same level, so it now about skill than just power.