Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

Why do they need “a crack” if there’s no value? :clown_face:

Because it makes people happy.

So you want to upset one group to make another “happy”? Ok sounds wonderful. Not.

Because there’s nothing wrong with letting others have a go.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. :slightly_smiling_face:

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All of em.


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Since there’s no value according to your side, there’s nothing wrong with not letting anyone have a go. No need to go after something that is entirely worthless after all.

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Time exclusives are a retention mechanism. If Blizzard goes against their word that rewards were time exclusive, the mechanism loses all its value.

This it’s wrong to say there’s nothing wrong with letting others have a go. Everyone had a go when the reward was being offered and the reason we even have these threads in the first place shows the value of the mechanism for retention.

Uh, the Mage Tower wasn’t THAT hard lol. At least for rogue, heroic level gear and proper strategy crushed MT stuff pretty easily. If anything, Horrific Visions were more of a challenge.

That’s nice dear, but nah.
Let people have a go. c: It ain’t hurting you at all.


And it “ain’t hurting you at all” or anyone else to not “have a crack” at something with no value. It seems your side needs to let it go.

You can “but nah” as much as you want.

Won’t bring them back.

Mmmm nah.
Let peeps have a go. I dunno why it’s so hard for yall to learn how to share.

What side? The side of peeps who have the artifacts and want them to have it? I think that’s preferable to your side of not having them at all and not wanting others to have them either.

They do have a go.

Mage Tower is in the game.

Have your go at it.

You just don’t get the weapons.

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You’re literally the one who made this thread. :joy:


Me? Not get them? Kinda hard when I already have 'em.

I got nothing against others having a go because I learned how to share when I was a wee youngin’. I’m sure you’re still learning and this is a good opportunity to practice it!


They have their go.

For nice mog armor.

And we can tie the weapons in there easily. c:

Bring EVERYTHING back.

Let the rage flow!