Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

Then you won’t mind not having these non-prestigious or valuable items.


Realistically, they probably should because this game has had a bad habit of removing content that just restricts gameplay to just raiding/mythic+/pvp.

But if it stops whinging, they probably shouldn’t bring back those Mage Tower cosmetics, but they should make sure that other challenge mode cosmetics remain forever.

Just make sure the content is hard scaled so you can’t ever over gear it.

Weapon skins aren’t content.

Should’ve been there.

Also bring back the MoP CM phoenix mounts, please.


It’s a reward from content, that Blizzard usually gets rid of.

Love how the selfish and arrogant are still hammering in the same nail.

“YoU sHouLd hAvE BeEn ThErE!”

We get it, you’re selfish, arrogant and probably insufferable too. You’re probably the type of folks who think they have friends, but behind your back your ‘friends’ are either completely dismissive of you or hate your attitude.

Having the mindset you have isn’t healthy, you should get that looked at.


I suspect this is a troll thread, but Blizzard has repeatedly and clearly stated that they’re not coming back. New rewards are always possible.

This is not a rational way to think about people who don’t support your argument.


But the content is still in game.

The reward isn’t content.

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Honestly my comment was in general, but applied specifically to the Mage Tower, they should bring back weapon skins, but change them to something different so people don’t cry about their exclusive rewards coming back and they can continue to feel good about themselves.

And if not with the mage tower, just in general, make content with neat rewards that people want but then put in some hard scaling to it so it can never be overgeared so it remains challenging forever.


People who are selfish and arrogant get zero respect from me.

Especially when that selfishness is over something so pathetically trivial as pixels in a video game.


Why ? The Mage Tower is back. that’s the content.

New rewards to be had. Better than the same ol’, same ol’.

Imagine saying this while thinking you’re the good guy here.

They already brought something different back.

Bring back all the things, scale the player to the content & add new items for those that have everything so it’s more stuff for all.


Because people like weapon skins as well. This is honestly not a hard concept.

I don’t even pretend like they will either. I’m just saying next time they do something make it permanent.


There is literally no reason not to bring the weapons back. The mage tower still exists and its still actually a degree of challenge.

Prestige when you could literally cheese 90% of the mage tower fights when it was current is a baseless reason to keep them from players. They weren’t hard and removing them just locked people out of getting them that weren’t there for the Legion expansion. Bring and end to FOMO content. It kills games faster than bad expansions.


Genuinely no harm in bringing them back.
Other people having a crack at them through the mage tower does not in any way shape or form diminish your own accomplishments in getting them.


Ok. Well I like Season 16 Elite Glad sets. didn’t get them.

Oh well, other sets to be had.

Neither is the fact they’re not coming back.

There’s literally no reason to bring them back.

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