again like i said even if nothing else comes of it for anything else i still couldnt care less if they bring it back. your just cherry picking sentences to fuel your arguement when its fundamentally wrong
Advocating for more FOMO interesting move Cotton.
You can easily look at my achievements to know I got my weapons. I have every single one I would’ve wanted.
I’m not here begging. I’m just voicing my opinion that FOMO design and removal of content is a bad decision.
That and basing your design philosophy on people who only value something at the expense of other players is pretty lousy. Those people, folks like you, are rubbish.
Fear is personal. Fear is something that’s in your head. Stop fearing not owning pixels, and you’ll never have FOMO ever again.
thats the upside to this whether or not you believe me doesnt matter. your belief doesnt change how i feel about this because you have no power or say
+1 FOMO is actually amazing and I really enjoy having items other people can’t ever get. If they removed this from the game and we could just get any item ever at any time I’d stop playing.
Thats some strong projection there friend its ok though you’ll move past it i’m sure =)
Of course you are.
The design isn’t FOMO. Fear is not a design element. The fear is personal. I missed out on Woodstock because I wasn’t born. Doesn’t mean the biggest music festival in history was designed with FOMO in mind.
What matters is they’re not coming back.
It’s not because I’m not afraid of missing out on pixels. I’ve missed out on a ton over the years and it is what it is.
also did u even get all the mage tower skins?
I have 29. Didn’t bother leveling a mage or monk in Legion and wasn’t doing the healer challenge again for the last healer skin I was missing.
Thus I’m actually in a better spot than you about this : I have a metric ton and am missing some.
Don’t bring them back. I missed out on some of them and that’s ok.
because you have the ones you wanted i will respect your opinion but it still doesnt change my thoughts on this
People who did it at the time got dated cheeves. They had the item back when it was current.
Sitting on cool things for the sake of lording it over people who could not get it at the time is hoarding and not geek.
I have some removed access items.
I cannot use them because people around me react poorly. I’m sorry people feel taunted, because I didn’t want it removed either.
I also do not like when someone comes up to me asking how to get one themselves and it’s a removed thing. Cue awkward crickets.
I feel bad using things I cannot share how to get. If someone else finds it awesome I want to be able to tell them how to get it.
“Build a working time machine” seems like a rather unfair difficulty jump for obtainment.
I wanted a lot less than I got. I did most of them out of boredom.
We also have a cool weapon skin that’s never going to be attainable ever again.
Legion Classic will be here in 6 years.
Classic doesn’t share mog unlocks with live. If that’s fixed, maaaaybe…
You’ll still have your skins. It’ll be fine. You’ll get to enjoy them playing BfA Classic.
Sad that some people really care this much about transmogs that they don’t want other people to have. Not everyone played then.
There is no value or prestige in items in game. They are all meaningless and for fun. Why would you actively want to deny someone else that fun? Self-absorbed tripe.
Looking forward to the spectral tiger twitch drop
I know why they did, I’m just salty that hunter got YET ANOTHER trash looking mog lol
Very wrong.