Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

The title of the thread is about the new zones… I doubt there are going to be many low levels in the new zones.

You should have left it at that, then. Remove any and all references to ganking from your posts and you …might… actually have a topic.


Hahahaha. Yea NO! Sorry but they already said it will. No ifs ands or buts. And most are already sick and tired of being grounded. Pvp isn’t the solely thing in this game, Op. Flying will happen no matter how much you wine. /shrugs/ You will have to deal with it. As they won’t remove it from the game entirely just because you got ganked by someone flying in or someone getting away from you. PvP isn’t the sole purpose of the game. PvErs also want to say hello. Removing it from then all cause you whining over pvp happening in pvp due to flying doesn’t justify it PvEing removed period. You’d have half the playerbase very angry at you if not a majority. /shrugs/ Doesn’t the no flying idea in WoD not even hit you in the head. They were gonna try no flying and well that was a failure.

Need i remind you, you called out for my main first. I only replied it kind.

I mention it in the OP… the same OP you literally quoted. Just a few lines down.

Or being Alliance on Illidan :open_mouth: I thought to try that once. Worse mistake I have ever done.

Your last thread was closed not just due to how much it went off topic, but because of how much trolling you did.

Seriously dude, if you want to do WPVP, then do it. Flying isn’t going to stop WPVP from happening.

Doing PVP doesn’t make you a troll, but creating threads like the one before where you said you’re going to camp the Horde until they log off and calling everyone Horde cowards does make you a troll.

His main is a level 100 Rogue. He has no max level toons.

No, Nomi did. Remember, the Night Elves invited Nomi to cook for them.


And the fact the arena killed it. Along with the loss of Vanilla’s honor system. Totally dis-incentivized world PvP.

Corpse camping is harassment, especially if you do it with the expressed intent to force people to log off.


Case and point you’re a troll. Flapping your fingers and trying to stir the pot.

Isn’t it a school day? Are you playing hookie and pretending to be sick? You obviously need a lot of attention.

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I would just want to see it off in warmode. I think that’s the most fair. The new zones, well we dont even know what they will look like yet. I really dislike flying, but maybe they will actually have made areas where you NEED flying to get to?
Or maybe so much of naz will be underwater that flying wont matter anyway.
Let’s way and find out.

Here, here. Flying never has & never will ruin open world PvP.


My opinion on that is if you’re keep it out of WM then it should be released earlier. Let WM people slog around on the ground wasting time killing each other while those that don’t care about WM can enjoy the game with a lot less tedium.


Then you don’t mean restrict flight in the new zones, you really mean restrict flight in Warmode. Huge distinction. I’m all for restricting flight in Warmode, since that won’t ever affect me. I am 100% against restricting flight in the new zones. I would rather remove warmode altogether than restrict flight anymore.


I’m sure someone from a PvE server knows all about open world PvP.


Well,we are all posting from alts remember? He very well could have toons on servers that were once pvp. You contradict yourself a lot,eh?

Ran out of likes, so I will give you a heart :blue_heart: and a hearty HERE HERE!!
This post alone shows the OP is the bane of a lot of players with this mindset. But then I believe that was the mindset of being on a PvP server when they were still a thing. People complain and are met with - then roll on a PvE server otherwise deal with it. That’s why outside of a year in Cata when I moved with a friend to a PvP server and leveled a mage to max level by spamming dungeons while staying in SW lol, I have been nowhere but PvE servers. lol

He doesn’t want flying with WM on, yet he can nonstop camp(admittedly so in his other thread) someone he’s killed until they log out. He’s nothing but a hypocrite. lol
Hopefully this one will get shut down like his other one did where he made that proclamation.

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Don’t want flying in the new zone then don’t fly.

Me, I want flying.


Stifling opinions just because you disagree? You’re perfectly fine with all the pro-flying threads but a PvPer making a thread is bad.

This forum is such an echo chamber.

These are new PVE zones. You go there to interact with new races, new quests, new dungeons, a new raid, new PVE goals.

None of this is PVP. If you want to fight other players, you can do it anywhere. The new zones were NOT designed for pvp. How do you even design a goal for PVP? I don’t even know what that means.

In my opinion, 8.2 is testing “flying in a new zone”. If players like it and it doesn’t cause problems, this may change the flying rules in all future expansions. Consider it a test.

Since you are concerned with PVP, consider this a test of “flying in PVP in a new zone” too. Blizzard WILL NOT simply believe your words, no matter how many forum posts you make. Why? Easy. Blizzard does not worship YOU and believe that any thoughts YOU have equal reality. But Blizzard will believe their feedback from thousands of PvP players in a new zone. It’s test.

You need to work on your trolling game, you’re not hiding it well.


They’re trying to stifle my speech just because they disagree. Instead of debating the topic at hand they want my post locked and flagged it. Even though my post breaks no terms and is a legitimate concern for many PvPers.