Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

Please keep the discussion on topic and civil.

We need flying disallowed for PvP purposes. You choose to PvP you’re consenting to be killed at anytime. If I am trying to gank you, you shouldn’t be able to take to the skies and find safety. You should have to fight your way through your objectives. Blizzard had great success with timeless isle, let’s continue that.

Before it’s said, the net is a bandaid fix and people can easily avoid the net.


You def should have started another thread since the other one was closed by the mods



You say “great success” but Argus and the Pandaria isles are some of my least favorite zones in the game. Especially now that we have to do so god damn much to earn flying I want to be able to use it


The other one was closed because people were trolling it. This is a legitimate issue and it needs to be heard. Keep the discussion on topic, please.

How about please do allow flying in the new zones, it sounds awful without.


Timeless Isle is hands down my favorite zone in the game. I’ve never had a better PvP experience. Fights were had nonstop, plus the Ordos toy was great.

It’s already been announced that they will be flying enabled. Deal with it? If somone wishes to engage with you in PvP you will know it. If somone flies away they don’t want to pvp with you, deal with it.


Why? Flight has been on PvP Servers for 12 years and it has never been a problem.


PvP is not the be-all and end-all purpose of this game, and shouldn’t be the determining factor for where flight is available. Further, I find it interesting that you used the term “If I’m trying to gank you”. If you’ve engaged someone in NORMAL combat, they wouldn’t be able to summon a flying mount in the first place…so it sounds like you just want people to always be ground-bound to make it more convenient to find an easy target. Sorry, but your personal convenience doesn’t supersede that of others…or their enjoyment of the game.


Timeless Isle was legit terrible on any PvP server with heavily imbalanced faction populations (like being Horde on Frostmourne)

And since Blizz haven’t displayed the ability or desire to balance Warmode sharding I’m going to have to go with…


This dead horse, again?


Just like people dealt with no flying? There were hundreds of threads asking for flying to return.

So because you hate PvP I’m not allowed to have an opinion on flying and I just have to deal with it?

No thanks, I’ll make my voice heard, just like those who wanted flying back did. This is a poor change that will hurt PvP and blizzard should know. Now please either post constructively on topic or find another thread to troll.

Then do what I do. Don’t unlock Pathfinder.


During those 12 years world PvP has been dead, with the exception of the no flying zones.


Flying in PVP would be fun if my mount could shoot and knock a person off mid-air. Battle on the ground and in the air. Sounds fun.

Flying around picking off easy targets… that’s war too.


Yes. I want more targets. If everyone is in the sky there will be very few people to kill, once again killing world PvP.

Every zone that has flying, has little to no world PvP.

I read their post twice, just to be sure there was any cause for you to say they were off-topic…and there wasn’t. Learn to deal with dissenting opinions on public forums.


That is on topic? Hardly.

I want flying in the new zones. Give it to me.


I say make the net o matic useable on mounts…