Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

Stop driving this off topic. My main isn’t relevant to the topic.

And this right here is why people don’t pvp. I will never pvp when people act like this.


This 100%. I want flying more than a lot of things in game but if I had the option I’d definately request it be disabled in war mode. They can just give both factions a baseline WM reward increase that is separate from the population buffs to compensate being slower in the no fly zone.

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It isn’t like people don’t act that way in pve as well. Ever tried m+? People lose their minds over that stuff.

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I realize it wasn’t locked for that - however, you are recreating a thread that doesn’t need to exist because you have said it all once.

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I would have to disagree. We will still be able to kill people. Now when questing you only have to look around you. Players now have to look up as well. You can easily swoop down and attack someone that is fighting a pack of mobs.

Gr8 b8 m8.

On topic: I disagree with anything that makes it easier for gankers and griefers.



Oh look, a thread suggesting the neutering of a feature people have been waiting for since the expansion came out.

Totally not going to go down in flames.


Yes it does. They allow all the proflying threads. My thread against flying has every right to exist as those do.

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The problem is not your topic, it’s your presentation.

If you had simply said “I’m against flying in the new zones because i think it will hurt WPVP” that would be fine.

But you started in with the “I gank and camp lowbies till they log” and “sheep shouldn’t be able to run” nonsense and that makes you look bad and attracts the negative responses you are complaining about.

You brought it on yourself so you get no sympathy.


What? I didn’t start with any of that. Please go reread the OP and show me where?

Ganking and camping low level horde should be praised not villified. They burned down the world tree.

Completely disabling flying in zones has always been Blizzard’s lazy way out.

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I agree, but I am out of upvotes.


Low level horde toons did not burn down the world tree, Blizzard did.


…right there. And in your original thread you did as well.

…and there’s some more right there.

At this point it’s just comedy. Your own ranting and posturing has long buried any actual point you may have been trying to make.


Do none of these people know about the net gun? It’s like a roided out turtle shell, come on.

One of my favorite things to do is ice nova>blink to ground>net and watch them fall to their death.

The better solution would be to disable flying while war mode is activated instead of disabling flying for people who have zero interest in pvp.


If people can avoid the net then it’s no different from people riding away from you. Or using the whistle.

Flying actually introduces new aspects to pvp that allow strategy. Melee get to deal with ranged landing on trees and ganking THEM for once.

Deal with it.

When you call out people for not posting on their main, as you did to me, your main is relevant to the topic.

That said, I know why you will not post on your main, so do most in this thread.


Every single of of my toons has goblin gliders or is himself an engineer, except my DH who doesn’t need them :stuck_out_tongue:

And i don’t think i need to tell you what will happen to you once we’re fighting and you already blew your nova and blink.