Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

You spend all of your time fighting at wq’s and almost no time fighting between wq’s. Flying will allow you to get to where the action is significantly faster enabling you to engage in more fights in 1 session.

If someone can drop combat long enough to mount up on a flying mount, they can also use the Flight Master whistle or even get on a Ground Mount (the net doesn’t work against ground mounts) and with coarse leather barding are nearly impossible to dismount. Those things are all possible to do right now and they have no adverse impact on Wpvp.


It’s pathetic to tell people to post on their mains when you are not.


I could see Blizzard implementing a zone-wide style of periodized intervals of flying/no flying.

Eg like New dalaran sewers. Every X number of minutes the skies would become toxic to fly (or some other narrative reason) and folks would be forced to traverse the zone on ground mounts only. (Due to greater chemical mixes aloft, or some such).

I think this would be a true compromise.

I am out of upvotes, so here is the old school version.


I just don’t understand how someone can kill someone 20 plus levels below them and not feel like a dirtbag.It’s like kicking a puppy. I guess I cant understand it. I don’t do warmode much in this game cause it’s never a fair fight.


In the very unlikely case you’re being serious…

Posts about flying are spam, regardless of stance.
Your thread is spam. People are flagging it as spam.

There. Simple explanation.


Who cares… it’s PvP. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I will say this is very untrue. Before flight, in Vanilla, there were the roaming felwood fights, the cross road fights, and the TM vs SS fights. Those types of things don’t exist as well once there’s flying.

Don’t get me wrong though - I prefer flying 10 out of 10 times. They should make it so mounting on flying mounts takes longer, or just fix the physics of flying, in general, to not move like you’re on a wonkavator.


I’m not the one requesting it, you guys are, all while you’re posting from alts…

There are more posts about demanding flight right now than there are protesting flight being included. I disagree with OP, but if you flagged this post as spam just because the topic is flight, then you are abusing the system.


How can a faction burn down a home and kill women and children? The horse deserve every low level being killed.

No? If a topic is posted about too many times, to the point where it becomes a dead horse joke, it becomes spam.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a thread supporting or denying flight, they’re all spam at this point.


Odd I don’t see the pro flight threads flagged…

I think you are mixing up fantasy with reality. So I’ll leave you be now.


I see he had to create an entirely new thread? What happened? Did the old one get closed because he was insisting it wasn’t about harassing other players when his entire reason for this is to harass people until they quit playing?

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Can’t wait for part 3. Will it be as pointless as the first two?

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If you recreate a thread that has been previously locked you are spamming. Nothing new is being said in this thread. You don’t want flying in the new areas - a lot of us want flying for the entire expansion. Blizzard has said this is a compromise. 3 months for us in current content and 21 months for you.


Funny. Never had that issue in zones like Halaa.

Fights will happen. Just because they are not on the terms the OP wants does not mean they will not happen.

More strategic? Perhaps. But they will still be there.


It wasn’t locked for spamming, it was locked “before it devolved further off topic” because it became a thread about people attacking me and not the point.

That is why I’m asking people to argue the point and stay on topic.

Killing people, corpse camping, killing lowbies etc isn’t harassment. Blizzard has ruled this time and time again. They’ve said over and over it is a PvP problem with PvP solutions.

Post on a 120 so that we can find you for the PvP you love .

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