Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

There will be 6 other zones for you to fly in to your hearts content, the 6 other BFA zones. I’m only asking for the two new ones.

Yes you can, I escaped it all the time at dark shore. It’s easy to get out of its range.

With all the sharding that goes on, the server you’re from doesn’t matter anymore, so bragging about being from a specific server just further highlights how out of touch you are with the supposed problem you want fixed.


What they need to do is get rid of shard hopping. I see so many peeps starting to lose a WPvP and use that stupid addon that lets them hop into another shard. That’s weaksauce and shouldn’t let you shard hop until your out of combat - similar to mounting.

Sharding doesn’t affect rppvp servers the same way it does normal servers.

If you are on Emerald Dream, and have played any length of time, yih should already know flight does not deter wpvp then.

So what’s the issue again?


Which just means you’re trying to cut out flying for people you will never even see. Still not a convincing argument to change anything.


Yes it does. Sheep can escape and do. It still affects me killing people.

the issue is he can’t gank as much if people can fly


No sorry … we want to fly everywhere . We paid our dues on that .


No sorry we want to PvP with everyone on the ground. We’ve paid our dues with awful world PvP for twelve years.

You talk a lot … post on your main . The one you use to hunt the sheep. Or do you want to hide behind an alt ?? :man_shrugging:t4:


I assure you if I wanted to escape you, I don’t need flight.

Anyone with any decent amount of experience on a PvP server knows how to escape a camp.



Stuff like this is why you’re being called a troll.


Fine. On-topic:

You have Consent issues. You want to force players to be your victims by not allowing them to fly away.

You’re the reason there are fewer and fewer people turning Warmode on.



Your desire to dominate (gank) low level toons (sheep), that have zero chance of fighting back, does not put you in a good light.

Most people play video games for fun, what are you playing video games for?


wPvP is dead because most normal people hate wPvP.


Want to kill people in PvP makes me a troll?

I would have thought that is the entire point.


Fun? Seems pretty obvious.

That’s not the post you quoted but I’m sure you knew that.

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No. That’s not it and you know it. Calling people “sheep” is why people think you’re a troll. Purposefully missing the point is another reason. You keep saying you’re not a troll, but you keep proving that you are not interested in legitimate discussion.


I’m calling my prey in PvP sheep, not anyone on this thread. I thought that is pretty clear.