Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

It’s time stamped, Just watch this.
Flying isn’t going to hurt Warmode.

Not really a good example. Legion was hands down the worst WPvP expansion.

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Friendly reminder that we have a Net now!

Yes, I am aware Kurt is a ganking scrub. But he asked that I remain civil and on topic, so I did.
I would bet most pvp players also don’t think it’s a good idea, or my alternative for that matter.
There’s one thing WoD proved, removing flight also removes subs. I’m not sure full recovery ever happened, maybe late in Leigon. I’m at a loss as to why anyone thinks removing flight would be good for the game, history proves the opposite. Who ya gonna gank if the majority of players quit, and wow becomes too costly to keep the servers running?

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No. That’s all I have to really say. It’s beyond ridiculous how long flying gets held off for to begin with. It’s not that hard to design content around it and other games show this plenty.

Pvp? The only thing super important is rated play there, world pvp is usually just masses of people in raids smashing out numbered folks to get their free loot box each week. It’s become a farce.

Oh good grief! Just stop. The vast majority of people want flying so let’s just stop with this overwhelming minority stuff.


No, it’s not a legitimate issue. I do not want my game experience diminished so that the FEW PvPers that don’t want flight in the game can have their fantasy fulfilled.

They gave you your fix, in the form of the net. Use it. It’s not a bandaid fix. It’s their solution to appease you, the minority, while appeasing the MAJORITY that want flight in the new zones.

We’ve had to deal with no flight for almost a year in BFA. If we earn the right to fly in BFA, we should be able to fly EVERYWHERE in BFA. Especially since the next xpac, we’ll likely lose the right to fly for another year, and repeat.


No thanks. I wanna fly

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I want to fly in all of the zones.

You sound extremely selfish here in not wanting to fly just so you can have pvp. Go play in a BG or Arena then. Please leave my flying alone, it’s bad enough we can’t fly now.

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We are talking about in war mode…

I’m well aware of what you’re talking about. They’re not going to change flight rules in war mode and out of war mode.

No one would ever turn on war mode, period.

Literally they have had to add incentive after incentive to get people into war mode and you’re sitting m here saying “HERE LET’S MAKE THIS CHANGE THAT WILL CHASE PEOPLE AWAY FROM WAR MODE IN BIGGER NUMBERS THAN EVER BEFORE!”

:roll_eyes: Do you even think before you post?

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Which isn’t PvP. It’s Zone Disruption.




LOL, you beat me to it.

I don’t know man, I love wpvp too but I’m kinda looking forward to sniping players off their mounts and watching them fall to their death. If they dont have gliders at least…

I think it’s going to be hilarious.

I also loved Timeless Isle, killing my own faction and the enemy faction to the point where they are both chasing me was hysterical.

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Hey maybe the main reason he wants it gone is he can’t afford the flying cost. (:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

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Anyone who played in WoD that does wpvp regularly probably has their garrison converted into a glider sweatshop by now.


Although I agree for the pvp aspect, TI was also way way wayyyyy smaller and didn’t have mountains at every corner.

Due to how the areas are now, it’s a big no from me.

Please have flying.

I’d turn on war mode. So that throws your “no one” right out the window.


Sounds like you aren’t thinking before posting yourself.

I’m sorry? Still don’t where I said it should be on PvE mode? Once again it’s pretty clear I am referencing war mode for all future and past content.

This entire post is about PvP. Why would you assume i am talking about anything but war mode.

Use your head.

My multiple TCG mounts say otherwise.

Well Geee Kurt, why didn’t you put “warmode” in the title.
Lets be Clear on the topic you want to be Civil about.
Especially when flying is at the heart of the discussion.