Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

Enough with this thread, Blizzard is not going to listen to you. Last time they attempted to get rid of flying forever, lots and lots of people unsubbed, and that is why it will never go away.

Don’t want to fly? Then don’t, it’s so simple. You don’t get to choose how others play the game, if you choose not to fly, then good the rest of us can. If we were all forced not to fly, then all of us are being punished for the few who can’t get over it.

And don’t give me that wpvp crap. If people want to fight you, they will have warmode on and actually run around instead of flying. This is not the fault of flying, it’s the fault of people not wanting to pvp. Also a lot who did have wpvp on, are probably just doing it for xp.


If you are done with this thread you can just not post on it ya know?

I’ll continue to advocate for flights removal.

We have no flight in current content, how can it be removed?

That and you’ve had flying removed from current content for long enough, now it’s flyer turn.

P.S. I’m still posting on my main, how about you? You said you would post on your main after I did. Time to step up and be a man of your word!


Did I say current content? I didn’t specify did I?

I’m advocating for future content, and past content. I want all flight gone.

You still haven’t posted on your main.

That is pure trolling and reported

You’re asking the same from me? Stop being childish and debate the point not the character.

In my opinion you can’t have a real debate with another forum user when they are trolling.

I’m fine with a real debate, too bad we can’t have one here.

Yes I have, you however have not.

So… No flying should not ever be removed.

Advocate until the end of time i dont think it will ever happen.

I am fairly new, just started wow with the bfa expac, and am enjoying going back to the older zones to do collecting stuff and various other things. If blizzard is foolish enough to do that i’ll probably move on to another game simply because I am an adult with limited time.

Although I understand the immersive need for travel some of these continents and zone are just huge and/or difficult to traverse and get anything satisfyingly accomplished in the hours I am able to play.

As for your reasoning to ditch flying… it seems a bit foolish for the devs to get rid of something the majority of paying customers love just to please a small percentage of people.

But I have no problem with you advocating for it, go for it man. There’s other games for me if the devs want to go in that direction.

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Why only in new zones?

Why not ask for flight to be “turned off” when WM is active in any zone?

This is the only answer. I want flight off in WM but if they shut it off completely then I’d probably quit.

On topic and civil, got it.
This is a bad idea mainly due to the fact your are asking one play style, pvp, to be improved by compromising another, pve.
Now, if you truly want flying not to interfere with your wpvp, then ask Blizz for something they can actually deliver. Disable flight when warmode is on.
Either you weren’t around for the flight drama in WoD, or your completely ignoring it, an attempt to remove flight doesn’t end well.
For those of us that don’t do wpvp, couldn’t give two craps or a smelly poot about it, we will be your biggest opposition. Bank on it.


What they could do is allow the net-o-matic to be used while mounted but doing so dismounts both you and your target. If flying when this happens, both the user and the target get a parachute and a debuff preventing flying for a time. This would allow people to chase after someone who mounts at the last second and knock them out of the sky. It would also make hovering high up while afk no longer totally safe he he.


Please do not allow Kurtloder to fly ever again. Let’s make his wishes come true.



I like this idea and it wouldn’t affect people not in warmede.

“We need to have the other faction take off all their gear and stand still for us because PvP is too hard. waah.”

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The fact is, all he wants to do is to gank low levels until they log off. Now, people can’t fly until level 60, and he doesn’t have a max level toon, let alone toon above level 110 (According to achievements from his supposed to be main which is level 100).

You will forever fail. Your beating a dead horse and will never get anywhere. But if you want to continue then do so. All your doing is making a complete fool of yourself.


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The 100% easiest fix would be to make the netomatic have no CD and a 1 second cast time. Then I’d be content with having flying in WM as well.

Quick edit as apparently after looking (haven’t had a reason to use it yet) the netomatic has no cd so just needs to be about insta cast and it will be fine.

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yea it really should be instant cast imo.

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Just like the pro-flyers failed to get rid of the achievement and wait time.

All we can do is try.