Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

You know what I hate…being put through all the grinding, work and unlocking of flying…then told I can’t use it right after I get it in the new zones I’m going to be spending time in.


This guy has been trolling since before I was born.



It’s not a legitimate issue, it’s a personal issue you got against flying but 99.9% everyone else wants flying in new zones.


Let’s see the numbers.

Just camp the flight master.

What’s the problem now? I’d like to see why you won’t do that.

Read past anit-flying threads and your own. People are against you.


Yeah but get me the figures my dude. Let’s see that 99.9%.

I will never, ever, turn warmode on. It’s simply a pvp server, that’s it. I rolled a pvp server a decade ago, I know what it’s all about, and it’s not the gaming experience I am looking for.

This is a fantasy world. Can you guess what most folks fantasize about? The ability to fly is high on most list. We even dream we can, well I have anyway.

What I am genuinely interested in knowing, how many warmode on, wpvp loving folks, are like Kurt, and want flying disabled in warmode? Let’s see those hands.

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Don’t panic, OP. They said it’s available in all those zones once the achievement is completed. What they didn’t say, at least not that I’ve seen, is how long it will take to complete the achievement.

You’ll have plenty of time to gank lowbies before they have a small chance of escaping to the air!

Why? The pro flying crowd has never wanted to change the way you play. We’ve never said “Well disable ground mounts!” out of spite, even. This isn’t an issue, and it never was until this current dev team who thinks literally any passive QoL ability should be removed from the game made it one. Your style of play has never been impacted, right down to seeing other players in the world. You will still see us on the ground, because I can’t kill 10 boars or collect 8 rocks from the sky.

As for PvP, we’ve all suggested no flying in Warmode. If that kills Warmode, then it proves WPvP isn’t as popular as previously thought.




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How about no.

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" i dont like flying! I want everyone to play the game my way! if you dont pvp with me you’re a troll! "

Thats about all i got out of all your posts.

Mfw you think this is constructive.


Fine with me. I have a solution for that. I leave war mode off.

No. All restricting flying does is limit replayability. People go out do their quests and leave.

Suggestion - If you turn on War Mode you are not allowed to fly. Problem solved for both groups.

Sorry Charlie, 8 likes from your alts ain’t gonna convince Blizzard to go back on their word and piss off everyone else.


I’d never have warmode on, so I’d never be your target

I shouldn’t be ground locked in my pve content because you want to gank people


Never cared for Warmode. I remember actually playing warmode, I only found the Horde playing and rampaging through the few alliance players. So, turned it off because it was not balanced.

I hope they have flying in all of the zones. They keep on time gating flying, so I think it is a just reward for the time gating.

My goodness people. This is about warmode. Does everything really need to be spelled out?