Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

All I can say is get rekt little boi

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Interesting. Glad you sure showed me.

Well the downer is we don’t have things like World Defense to notify us when something’s going down. We went for an instanced bg scenario by adding warmode on top of all the CRZ and phasing that’s going on.

Because when World Defense was a thing, any time I knew that Honor Hold, Westfall or Redridge Mountains was under attack, I headed out there to see what was going on. Now we’re in the dark. And said player getting camped has only the hope that a max level player is in the zone so they can ask for help.

But again, getting camped is part of the World PvP experience. Both while leveling and max level.

I had a hard time reading this. Also, what about ED? I’m from ED! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

I don’t even use trade on ED so I have no clue what you’re talking about.

What Blizzard really needs to do is stop the ability of people to post from characters that don’t exist. Like the OP.

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permanent account level forum bans for known and repetitive trolls


The Deal with it was stated in the form of a question. There was no command to it, nor saying they where reporting you or whatever. It’s obviously an opinion, just like yours is an opinion.

My opinion on your argument stands. Claiming somebody is trying to silence you, when they are in fact not doing so is pure intellectual dishonesty and frankly, insulting to the person you were quoting.

My character exists. I can log in around 5:00 cst and meet you on azgalor if you’d like the privilege to meet Kurt Loder in person.

pretty sure no one wants that, including your Mom.

I take that back, possibly Homeland Security.

Your loss.

I feel like if flying is disabled in warmode then you they should remove the bonus from warmode as well. Those that have warmode on will have a full on classic PvP server experience and the rest can just enjoy the game. Of course I know that would kill would kill world PvP.

Sure. I’m fine with that.

I don’t think he is interested in PvP with people at his level, might be way he is hiding behind a low level alt. If he did give ourhis name, gamers on his server would seek him out for real PvP.

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When you post on your main I’ll do the same. Stop asking for peoples mains when you aren’t willing to do it yourself.

Uhhhh what? If anything the bonus would be buffed since being grounded would be slower than flying and that would help entice people to leave WM on in spite of flight.

You’re allowed to have an opinion, just as other people are allowed to come in and disagree with you if you made said opinion public.


This is my main, as I’ve already told you multiple times.
17000+ achievement points
AOTC for about every raid in the last decade.

Not bad for a senior citizen!


Yeah I’m a pvper and I want flight this pathfinder non sense is just annoying even for the new zones, besides they made this magical net launcher to knock people out of the sky.

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