Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

Funny thing about flying. When those that want it cant have it, they complain. When those that dont want it can have it, they complain. Only one group has something being taken from them. The other has a choice to continue playing the way they want.

Such a stupid argument in the end for those that dont want flying. Nothing is changing their game play. At all. They just dont want anybody else to play the way they want to play. Boo hoo. There is a mode now that makes sure none of those scary flying gankers wont come swooping down on you and leave you lifeless in a pool of your own excrement. If you are scared of that happening, go switch off warmode.

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To be fair, I most commonly hear it referred to as “That Ordos thing”, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call it “The Fire Watcher’s Oath” even if that’s the actual name.

Yes, fights will still happen. It’s just not as good as no flying.

But hey, I get that some people obviously want flying and want it even earlier. I guess we have to settle as a compromise for this.

Does it really matter what it’s called at this point? I linked it, you know what I’m talking about…the end?

Very pedantic.

My data says that 100% of your posts are trolling drivel. This one fits the bill.


You certainly can share your opinion and voice on the matter.

I’ll give mine too. I disagree and am glad they’re allowing flying.

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And the Censer and PvP realm hopping on Timeless Isle are what led to fixing AoE to prevent accidental flagging, fixing flagging to require actually typing /pvp, and the eventual creation of a dedicated PvP instanced shard that Blizzard has to bribe players to use.

There are no PvE servers or PvP servers anymore. You can’t do a armory call out from an Alt without being a hypocrite.

I agree that solely going after lowbies is a coward thing to do. I’m not going to argue that point at all. What I’m saying is that’s the WPvP experience. We have as close as we’re going to get in terms of balance with BGs, Arenas and RBGs. World PvP is the only element where fairness is thrown out of the window.

Yes OP main is from emerald dream he spams trade chat all day long with nonsense.

When they’re referencing the past twelve years you can. It was a PvE server prior.

I’m not offended at all because you hit the nail on the head.

Could you link it since he won’t for all to bask in the glory of his PvP achievements?

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I haven’t played since January and either way have trade turned off on my main because it’s spam…so you’re making stuff up?

Yeah sure bud we all know who you are on ED all your forums threads are invalid been quiet since you left way quieter I enjoy it

Question is, if wpvp is such a rainbows and unicorns utopia without flying why are you here, now? There is no flying. Take advantage of your remaining no flying time. Instead of complaining about something that doesn’t even exist right now. Why are you spamming trade chat on ED? Go Wpvp.

Yeah I know who said it first .Didn’t see it put you there until I actually posted it.

Stop feeding the idiot troll and just report the thread to be closed or deleted. This monkey shine will keep spewing his none since as long as people take the bait.

Who am I then?

Feel free to post it.

He’ll just keep making thread though…which he already did made one to remove lfr. lol