Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

When I was leveling on my old server (the venture co when it was rppvp) it was frustrating to get one-shot by a high level, but most of the time it was a one-and-done thing. I’d just resurrect, heal up, and start dominating pve trash again.

But, the ganking you mention, yeah, that was brutal, but I completely understood that was what I was getting myself into.
I liked the intensity of PvP servers. The tense standoffs were great: “are they going to attack or emote /hi and be cool and just let each of us do our own thing?” When the latter happened it was honestly quite magical - peace when we both could assault and murder-death-kill each other

Yes it is. Same thing would apply back in the day if there was 2 max level players but one of them had higher rating and just straight up outgeared them and ended up 2-4 shotting them. It’s still 2 players engaged in combat.

And if people want that kind of close to fair experience then BGs are there waiting for them. If they can’t handle the open world pvp experience then they should just turn off warmode. WPvP has never been this gentle experience that cradles you like a child. It tosses you in some rough and sometimes impossible situations. It’s not for the faint of heart or those without thick skin.

And it’s not an age thing at all. I’m young. I like having challenges when I want them. But I don’t think ganking lowbies is a horrid thing in the game that needs to be removed any time soon. If anything to me it’s an introduction to the PvP experience. Understanding that you’re in the slums but you work you way up to becoming a threat on the battlefield.

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The person you quoted made no call to silence your opinion. Having a dissenting opinion to yours is not a call to silence you. It just means they don’t agree with you your overall point. The fact you make such an extraordinary accusation in regards to a dissenting opinion makes me feel you are just trolling while trying to maintain a facade of keeping people “on topic” and the higher ground.


I wonder if one of the tactics that you used to get away to prevent that was…

Getting out of combat and flying away? :thinking:

Naaaah. I’m sure even when you were level 60, being set on by a group of roaming max-levels, you totally beat them and RP-walked away like a dude in sunglasses walking away from an explosion.


I promise you it is not a legitimate issue.

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Actually it turns people off on doing pvp. My boyfriend likes to pvp but his view on ganking is way different. He believes a person that ganks like this is a coward. I have pvp with him on SWTOR for this reason knowing he is not going to gank someone 5 levels or more lower than him as that to him is wrong. He thinks it is best to pvp someone around your own level.


But that such a obvious choice Besides most of them don’t want a fair balanced fight. They prefer to gank someone low level, AFK or at low health to begin with. BG are too hard lol

I agree with the premise that anytime the combatants are player-characters, the activity being engaged in is PvP.

The concept of this activity being fair, I think, is a different discussion entirely.

I don’t think griefing or ganking is fair, but is it fair to be 3:1 in instanced PvP? I don’t think PvP can have well-defined gradients of fair or balanced because the medium is so fluid, the environment is never really controlled - even in instanced PvP, as reference the 3:1 scenario above.

My humble opinion, and I don’t mean to offend.

“Ordos toy”. Is that something that’s no longer available to new players who can’t get the legendary cloak?

So it’s completely irrelevant and not a valid reason to keep flight out of future zones.

The person basically said to shut up and deal with it…

Maybe not if it is a kill and you move on but when it gets to this point

If you think making another persons game play so unenjoyable that they have to stop playing for a time just so you can have fun maybe flying isn’t the problem with wpvp but the players and maybe it is those players that are the reason we went from having full on pvp realms to this new warmode that I’m guessing more people have opted out of .


Ice nova isn’t frost nova, you goober.

I’ve stated I don’t think Blizzard should enable flying in Warmode… That said PVP is not warmode as you can flag yourself for PVP in PVE content. So no… If you state you don’t want flying in Warmode, I’ll support that… But I WANT MY FLYING…


Both are still available…

I have the Fire-watcher’s Oath on all my characters. I never heard anyone call it “the Ordos Toy” before.

You transform into one of Ordos emmisarys. That’s what it was referred to all the time on ED.

No one calls it that any longer but you. Not even during Warlords did I hear it called that.

I just wanted to point out that I didn’t say this, I just quoted it from the OP’s other thread…and now it looks like you said it! Ha-ha!

Haha your main is on ED why dont you realm change trade chat boii you’re spamming trade chat all day long on ED along with those toxic players who never got enough money from mommy to realm change. Go away no one will miss ya.

Pretty much this. Players like the OP is what turn people off of PvP in general.

Even as someone for whom PvP is meh in general, I would love to see the OP’s main.


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