Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

Yes. It absolutely is.

It’s happened to me more times than I can count. There is some serious fun in evading and trying to get away from them.

It (I do not agree with it) kind of is PVP, or at least it was when I played on Bleedinghollow. As not fun as it is to be killed repeatedly sometimes that would happen playing on pvp servers.

I enjoy Warmode because it is a toggle that players can enabled when someone wants the pvp aspect the game has to offer or turned off when they don’t.

I’d consider it pvp personally. Just not fair pvp. The thing is that if I turned on warmode as a low level then that was a risk I was willing to take. However here is the thing to realize. Most pvp isn’t fair. Even at the same level. At max level, you have to deal with gear imbalances and then just people who are much more skilled than you. This is why I’d prefer there to be scaling. People complained though and pvp scaling was significantly dampened.


That’s what he’s afraid of.

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Another person on their alt asking me to post on my main.


By a strict definition of “player versus player,” I would call your description PvP. This response is void (ha) of any sentiment or added emotion, but purely a logical assessment of what PvP means (at least to me).

It is PvP. It’s not fair, good sportsmanship, or self-sustaining, but it’s PvP.

Wpvp died because of players. Flying had nothing to do with it.

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I had characters on PvP servers for 4 plus years prior to this expansion. I agree with them, wPvP was already dead so flying didn’t do a thing to it. wPvP is still dead even in warmode without flying - hence people camping flight paths.

Agreed regarding unfair or heavily “biased” PvP.

I clearly remember those wonderful Hide and seek moments in duskwood trying to avoid an undead mage laying waste to the little town I was questing in.
Oh the joys.

I genuinely had a lot of fun back then.

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WPvP died after WoD for me. A big problem in Legion was when tanks were unkillable and many classes could 1 shot raids. Then the nail in the coffin came in BFA when they made warmode.

No you don’t. Stop being bad at PvP.

You remind me of the people who complained that they needed LFG because trade chat didn’t find them a group.

Go to where people will be, you know on the ground. So you can get your PvP. Instance entrances, quest givers, flight masters, etc.

That’s how you do it.

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One of the big elements of dead wpvp was the removal of world defense and the addition of sharding. It meant that there wasn’t a cohesive “world,” and thus removed a lot of the reason why a player would want to fight and PvP for a specific location.

Why bother to PvP for crossroads if there is a seemingly infinite number of crossroads in the multiverse that is sharding? What was also fun was running into the same opponents and trying to beat them. But with a set up that’s essentially a “LFD” rotating roster (to a degree with even RP WM now) it really removes a lot of the intensity, for me.

Oh, what about that time in Legion I was trying to escape a fury warrior and used my flight whistle, only to somehow still die while the animation was going off.


  1. There are no more Pvp or PvE (normal) servers anymore.

  2. When they were both separate, guess what? WPvp happened on PVE servers and a majority of it was guess what? Ganking lowbies (literally people camped out at the Dark portal).

No, ganking lowbies is not pvp. I call that too chicken to go up against people your own level.


Hey OP I would like to dedicate this song to you.

Oh yeah World Defense removal was the beginning of the end. I tried hard to fight for it to come back in this thread.

Blizzard whispered sweet nothings into our realms ears and we haven’t heard anything about it. Hell we got lied to about how warmode was going to function on RP realms.

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Should link hotel California to give me something to listen to

I strongly suspect this is why they want flight removed. So they can basically gank at their leisure people in the corners of the world.

If they really wanted wPvP it’s easy to find. Sit at a flight master and wait for someone to land. Of course that means you can’t control who you are fighting and that is exactly why they won’t do it.

Bunch of cowards and frankly impacting millions of users in a negative way by asking for flight to be removed.


Yes it is.