Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

The majority of wPvP on PvP servers was lowbie ganking as well. I was only attacked on my server when I was leveling up and when I was afk from landing at the FP prior to legion. Then in legion I was only attacked when there was a 10 to 1 ratio.

You aren’t going to change my opinion on this one. Sorry.

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Please read the title.


Post your thoughts again.

Well as long as you know it’s an opinion.

He already posted in the other thread that he wants flight to never be enabled specifically so that he can gank lowbies, kill questgivers, and camp people until they log out.

Honestly I’d suggest maybe battlegrounds, a different game, taking up a sport, or therapy.


I respect your opinion, and no issues on my end.

Once again. This thread is asking for flight to be disabled in the new zones. The new zones are for max levels.

Please read.

I did read the title and the OP.

You don’t want flight in the new zones because you think it hinders your ability to wPvP.

It doesn’t. You just want very selective wPvP like following a lower level character into a corner of the map alone and ganking them.

If you wanted wPvP you could get it, today by camping a flight master. That also runs the risk of you getting ganked which is why you won’t do it.



No it’s not … If the other person really has no chance of fighting back where is the versus part of the equation ?.

Now if the person can put up some kind of real fight then yes . Other then that it’s just a bunch of punks getting their rocks off going ha ha I had fun ruining another persons game experience and that class is why I never do wpvp and stick with BGs because win or lose I battle with people in the same lvl bracket so everyone has a chance to win or lose.


You do realize cLvL isn’t the only way to see someone is lower level, right?

Like spotting HP 70k vs 200k HP. Easy, attack that guy.

But do so at the flight path so someone will inevitably gank you. You’re welcome.

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In your interpretation it’s not because you don’t think it’s fair. The thing is WPvP has never been about what’s fair or what’s not fair. Regardless of how you want to look at it, it’s 2 players engaged in combat. Doesn’t matter how long it lasts. It’s PvP any way you look at the raw definition of what that is.

What you’re trying to explain what’s a fair fight

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I poly you when you pop your CDs and giggle like a child.

Whatever happens after that is anyone’s guess, but mages are great at stalling.

Let’s put it this way. I don’t give a crap about your PvP, and won’t be partaking of it anyway. So if they wanted to disable flight for Warmode, more power to them.

But if I don’t have flight, they won’t have my subscription. We played this game back in WoD, and my wife and I both took a year long break.

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If they go warmode I agree with this. We should not have warmode with alliance rewards because they don’t pvp. If you don’t want to pvp then keep it off. If they go warmode they should be grounded, want to fly then turn it off. OP has a legit argument.

If someone tries to fly away they don’t want to play with you. It’s as simple as that. Or do you want to force people to play with you. That’s kinda creepy.


Sociopathy judging by this thread.


Is it just me or is op just making a complete fool of themselves…

Says forums became an echo chamber.

Echos over and over on plz read blah blah blah.

People are reading. Your just refusing to accept their opinions,etc. You want to force yours on everyone and dont even care in reality if people disagree or not. You made the thread. People have the right to say their part no matter what…telling them to please read is like you not accepting what they have to say acting as if they never read. Come on dude.

I only say please read when they’re insinuating things I haven’t said.

My interpretation of the WoW is that it’s broken down into three primary means of content consumption and three secondary and three tertiary.


Pet battles



Primary are based around the player or characters main reason for being: either fighting dragons (PVE), fighting the opposite faction (PVP), learning more about their place in the world (RP), or, which is often the case is argue, a combination of all the above

The secondary are ways characters can expand upon their in-game primary.

Totally just made up by me but I share because, to me, anytime the combatants are PCs (player characters) the mode of play reverts to PVP. To me it doesn’t matter what levels, skill, talents, etc are on each side of the respective screen.

It is a logical explanation not an emotional or equality based one.

I hardly PvP/wpvp, and I’ve never ganked. I think it’s dishonorable from an RP standpoint.