Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

So if player 1 the higher level player attacks player 2 a low level character and downs player 2 in the time it takes player 2 to say maybe get 2 hits in it is player vs player ?

If you go in full well knowing the other person has no chance of actually being able to defend them self or actually give you a challenge , that isn’t pvp. Like I said I prefer BGs not just because it is a fair fight but I want to fight some one that will last a bit , give me a challenge of some kind ,make me have to think what can I do to get this person down if what I am trying is not working.

Maybe it’s just age that makes me think this way that having a real challenge is more rewarding and that maybe this people thinking ganking is fun is just a young kid thing

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Truth is this is the middle zone like broken shore was in legion. I’m quite sure there will be an end zone like argus which will be a no fly zone.

Are people still arguing about this? 2006 called, they want their thread back.

It’s dishonorable from any standpoint.

Ganking is the virtual version of the play ground bully


No they have clearly read.

Yeah but…

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Is horde.

Kills entire city of innocent women and children.

Gets upset by low level soldiers of the horde getting killed.


Youuuuuuu understand that the players IRL aren’t the ones who did these things, yes? It’s completely possible to RP out a faction conflict without ruining an actual non-fictional person’s fun.


The title literally said in the new zone. I wasn’t asking for them to change it in the old zones.

So disallow flying in the new zones that a majority wants because your still mad about a tree?

Btw there is a RP and Lore forum for a reason.

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I’m not ruining anyone’s fun. PvP servers are gone. Anyone who is in war mode has chosen to be in war mode. They’ve knowingly signed up for it, wanting the fights.

I love the danger leveling on my low characters.

Agreed. “Growing up” on a RPPVP server from 2009 until 2017 had its excitement to be sure.

Yeah but…

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People like you, aka gankers/griefers, are why I have never turned on Warmode. Please quit trying to take away my, and other people’s, fun just because you can’t have fun unless you’re making other people miserable.


Dangit I’m out of likes for the day.


If your nova is down i don’t have to pop cooldowns to kill you :slight_smile:

Oh so just because I post mainly on Waidmann what I say does not matter .

This thread is not about Teldrassil it is about flying and wpvp and how one affects the other .

Or how some of us like to call it … Boo Hoo Blizz don’t let them fly because we can’t gank them if you do thread.


I’m going to bet that there’s never been a time when you have “loved” being camped until you logged.

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Yeah. Every time I play world PvP I love it. However people aren’t good enough to camp me to the point of logging.

If people want to PvP without flying, then join a BG!