Please do not add btags to the WoW forums

So you are saying, when someone does something bad, it’s easy to hold them accountable via btag?

Great! Let’s switch!


So the guy scammed you and then didn’t remove you as friends on his friend list ?

Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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it’s kinda shady to allow people to have personal information via battle tags when there are people on the forum calling for mass false flags of threads they don’t like…

imagine what those false flaggers could do if they had my btag? its frightening!!!

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The people against btags are those who like to troll and evade consequences. There is no privacy violation because btags will just be like your forum name.

On almost any other forum since the beginning of forum existence, you’ve had 1 name on a forum unless you make a new account. If you need to make a new forum account you should question why you’re making it.

Harassment is only successful if someone can’t or won’t ignore it. In the case of online chatting, you can ignore it, block it, and not let it bother you.

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You know better. Everyone else knows better. Gnome skulls aren’t that thick.

if someone had my btag, they could do the following

i would have no ability to ignore or block them because they keep just making new bnet accounts for free! its actually so frightening and i hope it never happens!!

Btags are not personal information, regardless of your feelings.

Stop spreading misinformation already. It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about and just saying Buzzwords here. :roll_eyes:


i know you are bumping my thread and i really appreciate it so much! thank you!

Not sure why you want more people to find out you have no idea what you’re talking about and see that you’re freaking out over nothing but your own confusion but… okay.

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it is not misinformation to say that people who have my btag can do the following

and i would not be able to block them at all since they keep making new accounts… i’m actually so frightened about the idea of this being possible, i hope it never happens!!!

No one is gonna do that, because it’s a pita. And if they would send you a bunch of friend requests, you can block them.

This is some major main character syndrome, lol. If it were a problem, it’d have been a problem before. Because I played hots and my btag is linked on that forum.


I would just stop checking bnet requests unless there was someone I needed to add. It’s really not that hard. Why do you care about any requests you weren’t expecting?


Of course, because it also bumps how false your information is and how much we need btags.


how is this false?? it is a known fact that a person can create a bnet account for free, download heroes of the storm for free and send btag friend requests as harrassment.

it is frightening to think that this would be possible!!! I hope it never happens!

op people are not going to make new accounts every time
that would be a headache even for the trolls


It’s also already been stated before that you can’t just do that right after creating an account and that you can block people.

You know that. Everyone else knows you know that.


sorry but you can only block the account, you cant block the person from creating a new account and doing it 500,000 times!

It is, and Blizzard disagrees with you.

And as i’ve said before, you can just ignore them.

It’s literally easy. It’s so easy that i actually swear to god, forget the tab exists. In all that effort in spending making a thread here, could’ve been spent on other better things.

By the by, still don’t see spam bnet friend requests yet. Either their extremely bad at what their doing, or you’re just bluffing. Hmmmm… I wonder which is which. :thinking:

Paranoid over nothing much?..

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Well even with this they still do.

I had someone a couple months back come stalk me in game

Like Mirasol posted before, the system has a way of knowing if a person is doing that. And if that hypothetical situation does occur, contact Blizz.

It has not. It will not, because no one wants to go through that much to send you friend requests.