Please do not add btags to the WoW forums

you are bumping my thread and i applaud you for it! hopefully blizzard sees this thread and realizes that adding btags to the forums is going to create a chaos of harrassment that can never be undone!

Battletags don’t have personal information tied to them . Real id does because it requires your battlenet user name (email address) .

Battletags and Real ID are not the same thing .

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just like a certain someone called for a mass false flag of this thread, both in this thread and in another thread?

that was harrassment right there!! good thing this nefarious person didn’t have my btag or i would never be able to escape the harrassment!!!

imagine what this person could do with my btag! it is frightening!!!

I’m not sure if you can harrass someone with Bnet, you can clog their friend requests I guess but they can just decline them all pretty much instantly or ignore them.

I think posting on a toon you actually play is worse, I had some psycho send me like 10,000 in game mail and make hundreds of alts to send macro’d rants to me back when I posted on a toon I actually played.

Never again.

And it was restored. And that happened without btags.

So you are saying harassment happens without btags… hmm.

so you’re saying someone went out of their way to harrass you with multiple characters? imagine how bad it would be if they had your btag too!!

it is frightening!!!

Can be easily clogged because I think the max requests is 50. It’s very small.

just because harrassment exists without btags doesn’t mean it can’t exist WITH btags… adding btags just gives this nefarious and frightening person a second avenue to harrass me.

ok op what stops players from looking at your classic toon name and doing the things you said a btag will do the same thing

I guess OP doesn’t have the low level mental capacity required to understand that. :man_shrugging:

People fear what they do not understand, and OP doesn’t understand much.

People literally linked you to what Blizzard says about Btags, and your response is essentially “NUH UH!!”

You are way too proud with people seeing how much false information you’re spreading and how much you denied the actual truth we’ve sent you, as well giving a perfect example of why we need btags on forums. Because you want to be dishonest and get away with it, hence your fake “it’s frightening” messages.

Either that, or you don’t want to take accountability for the dumb things you’ve said…

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ok ill send you this quote again

why give someone a SECOND method for harrassment?

It’s easier to hold people accountable with them. Just like it was easier to hold people accountable in game before sharding. Accountability needs to return.

Have btags. I don’t care if the number is there or not. Allow people to change their avatars to any of their alts.

Boom doneso.


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im genuinely scared and frightened after that certain person called for a mass false flag of my forum posts! imagine how terrible the situation could be if this person had my btag!!!

they dont have info on where you live or what not
the btag just stop the trolls and sock puppet

all the btag will do is stop the trolls

It allows Blizz to id you across all their platforms.

It doesn’t mean you btag has anything like your email or other information you used to set up your id so you could play Blizzard games .

The only way they could get any information is if you accepted a Real ID friend request .

Then your email address would show up .

Btag does not allow that to happen .

If this is what genuinely scares you, then i don’t think the internet is for you if you get scared over people reporting you for trolling. (Which you are, you can deny it, but your denial is subjective and outweighed by a majority)

I’m still waiting on the mountainous amount of “harrassers” coming towards me. Seems like nobody is coming…

I think the only “Harrassers” i see here, is people who are against btags on forums. The people who want to be jerks and want to get away with it by swapping alts. There was even one guy who tried to impersonate somebody, harassing and trying to smear that person’s reputation using classic alts (with the most disgusting worst thing they can think of). In a world of Btags, that person wouldn’t even think twice of doing that, let alone what they did years ago.

Yet, you seem to be in indirect support of that. :thinking:


You could just pull a him and hop on a new toon every time he blocks one to respond .

did they even impersonate a CC member once?



Still yet to see ANYONE name a single benift as to why we would even want tags showen on forums, yet seeing plenty of compelling reasons for why not.

all the ‘pro-team’ are doing is deperatly trying to argue that peoples concerns are ‘not an issue, don’t worry about it!’ without actually saying a single merit to the whole thing they are pushing for.

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