Please do not add btags to the WoW forums

Nope. You’re not on the add-ons ban list either. There are only 39 people on there. Mainly, I think, because we pushed back so hard when the creator was advertising it on the forums

And it equally, if not less effort to decline their friend requests or block their whispers.

/Sees a steam friend request, clicks decline.

/Sees a discord friend request, clicks decline.

/Sees a social media friend request, clicks decline.
/Sees that person malding in social media about me, laughs my butt off.

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And also keeps linking to them saying

but it isn’t extremely rare either

10 people on both of their accounts agreeing with the OP*

I mean, we literally had 2 guys confirmed sock puppeting the last thread.

Like legit one admitted it (though we didn’t need him to when both toons were using teh same Mythic+ IO insult) and the other was exposed by Check-PvP.

Imagine being Myzrym here and still pretending it doesn’t exist when the other Btag thread literally had the problem.


Here is some info I can get with someone’s character name just on the forums.

Who are these people?

The same info anyone who plays the game and has access to websites like raider io? Armory type stuff has been around a long time.

Learn the difference between personal info and public info. You aren’t going to hide details that don’t matter. But you can protect your personal info. Btags are not real id.


No wonder the blue says you’re “almost always wrong” because with the dozens of accusations in that thread only 2 turned out to be accurate.

OP even tried to goad me into posting on other characters after he went through the trouble of finding characters I wasn’t even posting on.

Ya’ll are doing a good job of proving you aren’t a threat to harass anyone with things like that. Keep it up. :+1:

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  1. opposing view of THE SAME TOPIC of a thread on the front page. Creating a new thread of the same topic is considered spam when there’s one up already on the front page.

  2. that would be the one. If you don’t like what the OP said, go into his thread and present your opposing view. It’s the point of a thread: discussion.

  3. it’s not false flagging. See #1


Anyone who’s been playing online games knows multiple others who have been rumor mungered, harrassed , and even stalked. A guy in my former guild ripped us off, he changed names and servers and it was still pretty easy for my guildmates to track him down afterwards and inform his current guild of exactly what he did.

Saying something that commonly happens online, wont happen, or never happens is lieing your collective butts off. Much less showing a complete disregard for the many people who have been harrassed and stalked is pretty dang low. People should be ashamed of themselves, but this is online. People have no shame. Gotta make people pay who say things they don’t agree with. How dare they disagree with Me! :roll_eyes:

I mean, one of those guys used 5 toons, so that’s 5 accusations that happened to be correct.

The other used 3, so that’s 3 more correct accusations. For a total of 8. Not bad, 8 out of 12.

Kinda pie on your face there buddy.

Except they have their profile hidden, but that just blocks the direct link not the info.

None of that has to do with Btags. That’s someone in your guild. You already invited them into your circle.

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Good. If people make a bad reputation out of their fake name… that’s their problem. There are consequences for behaving poorly.

That’s not btags.


Having that info means they could be, they just choose not to or can’t be bothered. The problem is that the choice is now theirs to make and no longer yours.

It was easy to track him down because of his battletag.

Circle? It’s just a guild, ‘lady’. Nobody knows anyone else, not really. Only an online persona that might change periodically or in some peoples cases, daily.

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i mean, thanks for bumping my thread!

i really appreciate it, buddy :slight_smile:

It’s kinda shady having a guy pretend there’s no sock puppeting when OP of this thread posted on both his DK and rogue in the other thread, and used the rogue when the DK was just getting ignored for his attempts to derail the thread.