Please do hit Anduin with the villian bat

I guess the best comparison I can come up with would be if Jesus opened a karate studio. Just because Jesus is teaching it, and he goes on alot about mysticism, I don’t think that makes karate a religion.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe my definition is too narrow.

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So indeed my point… you really don´t care over the cosmical concept of “muh Light”, you are just desperately vying for the eternal “white knighthood” of the Human/Dwarf/Draenei trifecta by proxy of the religion the game gave them, no more and no less.

And the “game” isn´t massively villain batting light users, last time I saw the LF Draenei proper characters are just fine, Velen is more than fine, Anduin is such a massively Pet Gary Stu he´s even getting “I´m SO powerful in “muh light” I can easily overcome the influence of a Titan level entity” and so on…


Sure. But when was the last time Blizzard gave an Alliance racial leader the villain bat?



Cata, The scary part is the fanatical fans willingness to accept anyone who isn’t a sycophant to whomever Wrynn is around because Blizzard has an established trend of pulling Varian/Anduin on a pedestal, and thus they are never never wrong, and can never be wrong.The amount of fans who are okay with Tyrande being killed off for simply wanting justice is highly disturbing example of victim blaming because of bias.

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If you are referring to Fandral I have to ask: was he ever actually listed anywhere as the Night Elf racial leader? On the WoW website or in the racial leader achievements?

Not saying he wasn’t Villain-batted because he obviously was, but I didn’t think he was the Night Elf racial leader, just a leader of Night Elves.


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I don’t think he was really batted. Even from Vanilla, he seemed established to be a villain.

That’s what some argue about Sylvanas.



He is being controlled he won’t be villian batted. Plus there is the comic where he is leading the alliance and horde in the future.

Sure. Which I can understand.

The question remains though. Was he a racial leader or just a leader?


I don’t know. I only have my opinion he wasn’t batted. Not in a place to dig for information as to how he was described specifically.

Just because he disagreed with Tyrande and Malfurion doesn’t make him a villain. This is what I’m talking about. If anyone has a disagreement on the Alliance, they are automatically seen as villains because they don’t shut up and color like a good vassal should. The squeaky wheel gets villain-batted.


Genn but he never faced any consequences.

Must have missed that. When was Genn Villain-batted?

Surely you don’t mean Stormheim. Because not only did Blizzard not follow through on that but actually justified his actions.


Genn HAD the potential to be a awesome morally grey antagonistic alliance leader. But you know…until blizz had to bend over backwards to make sure the alliance keeps its Special Snowflake status. :wolf:


I wasn’t referencing that. I was talking about the Morrowgrain questline and that Malfurion was mysteriously missing.

WE didn’t have any evidence that it was being used for nefarious reasons until during Cataclysm when the villain bus was backing over him.

The questline has one of the NPC’s say he’s not sure of the purpose and that it usually acts like a curse.

Exactly. The Cenarion Circle was shipping it down to Silithus to apparently be used against the Silithid down there. The one quest in Cenarion Hold has us killing those worms because they were attacking the shipments.

"Desert worms have proven to be more of a threat to our supply caravans than even the silithid themselves. Just this morning, a large shipment of morrowgrain was ravaged by a group of dredge strikers. I need you to thin their numbers to ensure our supplies aren’t jeopardized. "


The two uses are never linked. Which is confirmed later when it turns out Fandral had other uses for it.

“Pretty weird Fandral is hoarding this curse-like plant.” Malfurion is missing and this is his arrogant replacement.
“Fandral is poisoning Malfurion!” Shocked Pikachu.