Please do hit Anduin with the villian bat

Former Archdruid. While not a racial leader, I’d elevate him more than a lot of other class-leader-for-a-race because 1) He was temporary taking Malf’s position 2) He had unique dialogue “Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people” I remember very well on my first nelf taken aback not expecting it.

His narrative purpose was to show the divide between traditional isolationist elves and ones that saw value in being in the Alliance. Course they didn’t do anything with this and, being a cause for potential internal conflict in a cata alliance, he was toast as soon as Malf woke up.


I guess it’s a matter of perspective but Legion.

He was clearly the antagonist to undead in Stormhiem because of misplaced vengence but in hindsight neither the Alliance or Horde cares because neither see the undead as a valid race.

Right, that’s what I’m getting.

Not a single Alliance racial leader has been hit with the Villain-bat across more than 15 years and 7 expansions. I doubt Blizzard will change that in this expansion.

Antagonistic? Sure. Hit with the Villain-bat? No.



With so many story threads referencing hitting people with villain bats I want someone to be in favor of just hitting someone with a regular bat.

Just smacking them in the face with it.

And not a wooden baseball bat, because I don’t think baseball is a thing in Azeroth, I mean the flapping sort.

Dead or alive or even undead, I don’t care, just “fwap” bat hits the face.

I mean someone other than me.

I’ll leave you all to your regularly scheduled debating.


And give Anduin more super powers? No thanks.



I’d smack Murky with a bat.

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The Church hierarchy spent billions of dollars to defend priests against accusations, and in some cases them relocating them to avoid trial. Where they either continue abusing, or if the Bishop was smart, put them in an isolated monastery away from seminarians or laity.

It’s not a double standard, it’s the fact what the Church did during the colonial period is STILL CAUSING HARM.

The Church, as the arbiters of birth certificates vis-a-vis certificate of baptism, also were the arbiters of Racial Castas in all of the colonial holdings of Catholic Europe.

For the same reason South Asians still blame the Anglicans for abuse, for the same reason Imazighen (Muslims and otherwise) blame specific Arab Muslim traditions for abuse, for the same reason Yemenis blame Salafis/Wahabbis, for the same reason many Andean Indigenous peoples are distrustful of the Mapuche, for the same reason the Maya resent the Nahua, etc etc etc


I don’t think we are talking about Roman Catholicism. I think Thadeus is talking about Evangelicalism, Baptist, Quaker etc.

American Catholicism

? Those are Protestants not Catholics?

But yet US Catholicism is cursed, the entire global church knows it. It is the only Church (both Clerics and Laity) that rejected both the anti slavery Papal Bull of Pope Gregory 16 and the anti segregation statements during the 20th century, and was the only part of the Church that rejected non-white seminarians and religious (nuns, etc) well into the 20th century on the basis of race as an explicit rule.

Just as a reductive refresher for all lol


Perhaps our boy Any Win will shirk his armor and also accept more void based powers?

I haven’t ever seen this much Catholic vs. Protestant fighting on the forums before.

What is this, Europe?

With all the European posting alts as of BFA, yes.

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Please take your religious arguments out of the thread. As I’ve stated real life politics and religion have no place in wow. Wow is a fantasy universe and they have no place in the setting as characters that inhabit this universe live completely different lives to us.

This is the problem at the moment, Baine is never going to grow out of Anduin Shadow as things stand. Anduin is being pushed more and more into the lime light as the Antagonist. With Baine, Jaina and thrall being his plucky followers, nothing is going to improve for them while Anduin is front and center in the story.

The fact that you think he should be immune from any consequences or decent writing because he represents non toxic masculinity is the problem with his character. They keep using these characters as the hero’s of the story and villain bat any Masculine character is a massive double standard.

Masculine characters are not toxic and they shouldn’t be always treated as the Villain or incorrect. Vice versa Non masculine characters should not always be infallible good guys that are treated as if they can do no wrong.


tldr “Stop talking about political and cultural takes I don’t vibe with, only the political and cultural perspectives I vibe with have a place in WoW”


Im talking about the game, Not which real world religion is more wrong than another.

Im pointing out that yes this Culture of making masculine characters villains and Non masculine characters the hero’s shouldn’t be a focus of the writing. Characters need to be written for the setting that make sense. Not mary sues that bend the logic of the universe because the current writers doesn’t like masculine men.


How and what people write about is inherently political. Even the choice to not address politics is itself a political choice.


True, however if it is already an already established universe with its own rules and history you need to to write within the setting. The issue with the current writing is that it throws all that out the window to establish new rules and history and not gently either.

Simple things like Making Anduin High King out of nowhere harms the universe as it never made clear exactly why he was promoted to such a position. Or why the jailer holds such an interest in him. Or why Saurfang or Genn listen to his point of view when he doesn’t know half of their history.

I mean its fine to have non masculine characters in the story that are hero’s. However at the same time don’t then have them leaping around doing things masculine characters trained their whole lives do. Keep Anduin a priest and let that be his power.

I would find Anduin a far more compelling character if he was the crippled king of stormwind restrained to a wheel chair because of his heroic actions stopping Garrosh. However his connection to the light had grown and while it couldn’t restore his ability to walk it allowed him to heal the sick and injured. No high king nonsense, No leaping through the air and stabbing archons or tanks nonsense. Just a young man and his trials of ruling a kingdom alone from a wheelchair.


I NEVER said Anduin was not masculine??? He IS. That’s the POINT. What about what I said suggested to you he isn’t? And to put into contrast what I actually mean, Varian was a huge warmonger, and was unnecessarily brutal where he need not be, for the OUTSIDE purpose of making him seem like a friggen hulked out beefcake that will destroy anything that gets in his way, FOR THE SAKE of the audience. THAT is toxic. The desire to fulfill that male power fantasy, by way of making everything a fricken pissing contest.

Also, Anduin doesn’t need to be immune, just don’t gd kill him? Don’t let him show that kind of compassion, and then punish it with writing him into the grave?

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Yeah, that’s fine. I’m not saying you can’t have your opinion on what is good writing. Just that it isn’t as simple as ‘no politics’ in-so-far as that’s unavoidable.

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b-but he has emotions about thousands dying on the battlefield in front of him!!! /s