My point is a Twink is in no way similar to a level 60 fully geared. I’ve made a twink, it doesn’t take a lot of ‘time’ to make one. I leveled him after a week of twinking because of how extremely boring it was idk how people do it tbh
My opinion on Twinks, PvP’ers who are Doo Doo at max level and can’t stand getting owned.So, they game the level brackets so they can feel like Epeen Uber Leet players. It’s laughable and sad, like i said, my opinon
An actual twink is being outfitted by avenues other than earning the items themselves on that specific character. It is not
Pretend I gave this post a like heart.
But in this case it is “feeding the twink character overpowered items and enchants gotten by high level alts” and not “time spent in the game” by the twinked character.
No difference between a group of twinks steamrolling low level BGs and a group of 60s steamrolling max lvl BGs. If someone has spent hours upon hours getting the timbermaw pouch as well as hours farming on their main to get the +100hp arcanums on head/leg, why wouldn’t they be able to benefit from it?
All I hear is “I don’t like twinking therefore nobody should twink”.
They are able to benefit from it. That does not mean it is healthy for the game/BGs. Also, no, L60 well geared players are not even remotely close to the power discrepancy between a Lx9 twinked character and the others in the bracket.
I never said that nor did I even imply that people shouldn’t, if you want to twink then twink, IDGAF. I was talking to the guy who said twinking is the same thing as having a max level character, which is laughable.
Considering how only a handful of servers (or battlegroups if we’re getting that) will have low level BGs popping in the first place because of lower pop, I doubt it was healthy to begin with. At least twinks make the BGs pop more often.
Oh yes there will be many tears shed. The same folks that are complaining about low level twinks will be the same complaining that their fresh 60 is steamrolled by premade in t3.
I’d love to see organized twink games and community myself. Let’s set a day or two aside and make those twink days. This can be worked out by the community. There is no need to destroy something that has an opportunity to be an actual community within the community. Pretty counter intuitive to community if you ask me.
I personally look forward to the challenge of facing decked out twinks. Increase my own skill level by fighting against stacked odds. Maybe even get the team to you know work together to over come the odds?
Maybe avoiding those early brackets because it takes away from leveling time as well. /shrug
I know pservers are “nothing to measure classic by” but I wasted time making two twinks a 19 and a 39. Guess how often I got pops? Not very and when I did they were short handed games that end because not enough people. I really hope classic is different. I don’t see it though. That previous knowledge is going to change things like this. People won’t waste as much time in bg’s at low levels. This is also why I’m hoping the twink community comes together and organizes games. Time will tell.
I love low level PVP and i know that twinks are part of It. So i make anything like a “semi-twink” with blue itens without enchantings and i can fight against they well.