The most hardcore, powerful and numerous twinks, all existed at lvl 60. Sounds like you’re playing the wrong game if gear disparity is not fun for you.
Dude I love you. I can’t believe people are crying about other players putting in more work than them… it’s so ridiculous. If you are worried about twink brackets… you’re going to get really sad when someone murders you in rank 14 gear.
23:59 > “Players now are much more better than vanilla”
00:00 > “ i got killed by a twink blizzard pliz nerf that ”
No, don’t play BG’s if you don’t want to play with/against twinks.
while I don’t have anything against twinking I think it will make low levels need crbg as less will queue for them
End level characters are not twinks. Do I need to post the definition again?
Here you go, you’re welcome:
Twink (WoW) - A low-level character made more powerful by higher-level characters, usually through gifts of armor and weapons that the character would not normally have at such low level. Also used as a verb to describe the act of giving low-level characters powerful items uncommon at their level.
A typical twink, armed with heirloom sword and shoulders. Notice, though, no weapon enchants. This twink could be said to be a “Semi-Twink” for not having his complete “BiS” (Best in Slot) gear.
Twinks are below level cap player characters who have gained powerful and uncommon gear for their level in their equipment slots.
LOL how about you just don’t q bgs as lower level then if you hate it that much? Or just do world pvp. JFC people really will complain about anything.
The OP it’s right. Every kind of game of competition must be fair, with equal conditions for every person who plays. Twinks vs normal players are like american football players with full equipment playing against american football players naked, or a boxer without gloves and vocal protection fighting against a boxer with gloves and with no vocal protection.
Damn it boy. Internet Games have the worst kind of competitors, any guy who know what it’s really play any kind of game, sport, or competition knows that the way of the twink is for inept cheaters. This are basics things and facts of life, that any person with common sense knows.
BFA… All are equals, class, skills, everything. This kind of mindset is counterintuitive with classic.
Who want balance go to BFA plizz already have a balanced game.
Twinking never bothered me. vanilla class balance and pvp in general was so rock paper scissors that even a fully decked out warrior would lose to some frost mage in greens because he couldn’t even get close.
I have many fond memories both of fighting against twinks and as a twink. Would be a shame if twinking was removed as it always offered different ways to play the game.
I see twinking as an alternative for people that can’t perform well enough on endgame, at least we can play lower level bg’s for a while after launch for a some time, before they start to be arenas for twinks.
You’re just arguing semantics. Raid geared lvl 60’s behave like low level twinks in every possible way. The put in more effort and earn BIS gear that kills under-geared players almost instantly. Literally the exact same process.
Eh… no, not really. Twinking normally involves you getting carried by a level 60 so you don’t level too much on your journey to get your best BoPs, and then the rest of the gear (boe’s, enchants, potions) is given to you by a higher level as well.
Twinking is going out of your way to funnel enormous amounts of gold just to stomp people you know don’t have a chance. Level 60’s are just playing the game to the fullest and they are getting the best gear for their level actually playing the game.
Don’t act like level 60s and twinks are at all the same thing come on man
I am arguing the actual definition of the term. Do not use the term if you have no idea of its meaning.
I am arguing the actual definition of the term. Do not use the term if you have no idea of its meaning.
Terms and meanings change over time. Not like it makes any difference. I could say the lvl 60 twink-like, or the lvl 60 twink-esque . Makes zero difference.
Twinking is going out of your way to funnel enormous amounts of gold just to stomp people you know don’t have a chance. Level 60’s are just playing the game to the fullest and they are getting the best gear for their level actually playing the game.
HAHA. You seriously think that raider Joe who just looted dark edge of insanity isn’t thinking about destroying non-raiders in bgs during his guild’s downtime? lol. Not to mention plenty of high ranked pvpers actually raid for the sole purpose of getting gear to pvp with.
Terms and meanings change over time. Not like it makes any difference. I could say the lvl 60 twink-like, or the lvl 60 twink-esque . Makes zero difference.
LoL, it very much makes a difference. Words matter dude.
LoL, it very much makes a difference. Words matter dude.
Yeah they matter when arguing semantics. But the meaning behind the words is the same. It if walks like a twink, talks like a twink, thinks like a twink…
HAHA. You seriously think that raider Joe who just looted dark edge of insanity isn’t thinking about destroying non-raiders in bgs during his guild’s downtime? lol. Not to mention plenty of high ranked pvpers actually raid for the sole purpose of getting gear to pvp with.
It’s not the same dude. Twinking isn’t hard. You don’t struggle to accomplish anything. It is normally done when you have a higher level character and you just funnel junk into them with no effort at all specifically just to que bgs on your level 19,29,39 to one shot people. The level 60 is playing the game to it’s full extent, earning gear through raiding or spamming bgs, and even still they have nowhere near the advantage that a twink does on a non twink.
A level 19 twink priest with full enchants and buffs can literally 1v5 other level 19 with just shadow word pain and walking away.
I can’t believe you are actually trying to argue this right now.
It’s not magically better at 60 with unemployed basement dwellers running premades with geared raiders steamrolling people 24/7 to rank up. They would dodge other premades as that was much less efficient than steamrolling pugs which was much quicker.
A level 19 twink priest with full enchants and buffs can literally 1v5 other level 19 with just shadow word pain and walking away.
What’s your point? More time spent in the game = stronger, that’s how it should be.