Please Disable Twinking or allow people to queue for NON-twink bg's

My mistake. I thought that person was talking about the time when they actually did that intentionally.

Remember what happened to the last wall. Besides, when they committed to not implementing the wall-hopping stuff, they eliminated any area that could only be explored in that way, which is a fundamental change to classic.

twinked hard (rip 70s) and it has always been about twink vs twink combat

ripping off non-twink faces has always just been a (hilarious) side benefit

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It’s hilarious to watch these same 3-4 anti twink people get their arguments absolutely blasted in to orbit with facts and logic

Disable twinking? No, just stop it. I can’t necessarily say “no” to split-queue BGs, but it’s not Vanilla, so it shouldn’t be there. It would also likely be that the twink queue would be the only one worth using since the majority of people PvPing at those levels are, in fact, twinks. So you’d get a separate BG, but with a few people to play them with. Your queue times would suck and the teams would rarely fill out. This would fundamentally change how BGs feel while leveling up, and also everyone’s experience once leveled and make their own twink.

Twinks never ruined my time leveling up. I occasionally took part in BGs, and it wouldn’t take long for a rogue or hunter to come around and 2-shot me. Instead of getting mad, I saw what they did to me, and what I could in-turn do to others. And so, Twinkierogue was born. Awful name aside, this little bastard has seen action in 10-19, 20-29, and 30-39 brackets, and it was a blast in every one.

I’m glad you were able to vent your frustrations in a forum where Blizzard can see it. Unfortunately for you, though not for the rest of us, they also won’t listen to you, because they hardly listen to anyone.


The twinking system in classic is one of those Warts. But still no changes so let it run its course. If you want to BG, then make sure you get it done while leveling your first character. The twinks will eventually show up and start one shotting everyone after a while, and I suspect the BG queue will slowly stop popping as people stop bothering with them while leveling because its no fun getting 1 shot all the time.

The difference is retail always had new blood to replace the people that stopped doing low level BGs’. I suspect Classic will have substantially less, and those low level BGs will probably die out pretty fast after twinking starts. Theyll be stuck fighting each other only, and they absolutely hate that. But oh well.

Heh, heirloom gear pretty much got rid of twinking. That’s the only way Blizzard could stop it. I don’t want to see that again, however.

Truthfully the funnest I ever had twinking was when two rival twink guilds decided to reroll as opposite factions on a fresh server (Altar of Storms back in the day) We spent some time in each bracket up to 49 and had a blast competing even out of BGs for first to get Fiery/Crusader, or having silly 2v2 events in Gurubashi.

Fact is though this isn’t how most twinking plays out, and as we’ve seen the separated ques essentially killed the community.

Besides; WSG wont exist until Phase 3 innit? You’ll have months after you’ve cleared MC to on your off time get that twink ready. See you in BB for the fishing competition right?

Classic wow should have all the imbalance, unfair, and any other qualities you feel it had back in the day since this is supposed to be a RECREATION of the original form of the game. Nothing else needs to be said. All the good, bad, and ugly will and should be present in this game.

This is classic so you will not get xp in BGs.

Twinking will be a part of the game whether you want it or not. Level 60 PVP will be full of gearlords ruining the pvp, so thankfully you will be able to grind out a lot of 19, 29, 39, 49 twinks and it will be a big part of why this game stays up.

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Twinking wad ins original classic. If you dont like it then maybe classic is not for you. Classic is not for everyone, its not perfect and thats ok. You work around the warts.

No changes; butterfly effect.

Munch… Munch… Munch… Good Popcorn.

Can’t believe this movie is still on…

Munch… Munch… Munch…


Twinking in classic is the best!



So you don’t want Classic to be Classic. Got it. Any other changes Blizzard should make to the game to fit your list of pet peeves?

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cant be fixed, people are lame, that it that. :slight_smile:

Twinking is my fondest memory from Classic. Why of all things would you want to change that? Like others said, if you don’t like facing twinks as a non-twink, then don’t queue as a non-twink. A lot of the fun from twinking is being able to one or two-shot kill low-level/undergeared folks.

in real life… there are also people who can “1 shot” other people…

twinks are realistic whether you like it or not.

Why take away a core part of classic? Play BFA then.

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Twinking just to wreck in pvp is pathetic. Its like saying youre a god at call of duty cause you absolutely destroy bots on custom match with your “mad quick-scoping skills”. If you need that big of an advantage then youre just a pussy. Twinking simply is toxic to the wow community cause casual players who dont no life wow are looking for fair bg’s and a twink holding their ground in a 1v6 simply is not fair. Pvp braquets should be based on ilvl not actual level.

Sounds pathetic. Winning the hard fought, fair, fight is way more satisfying then 1 shotting the poor undergeared dude with no chance. Working hard vs instant gratification…

I made a level 19 twink druide healer back in BC, was able to get full BIS, and all enchants even librams. my big heals crit for 2.3k! i cant wait to do it again