Classic servers will have the opposite problem of live servers.
Twinks exist to prey on leveling players. It’s unclear on how robust the constant flow of leveling players will be. So they won’t have many victims to grief, not like classic where they could convince people this wasn’t a game worth playing to get their jollies.
I don’t know how prominent greifing will be on classic servers in pvp it really depends on how much leveling there is. Because without victims twinks lose their incentive to play.
If you queue for a lowbie BG and you know you spent no time getting BiS for that bracket, why should any reasonable person be surprised when someone who put in time and effort rolls up, wrecks them, and rolls on? If I don’t do a dungeon prior to level 29, why should it be a surprise when I get roflstomped by people who did?
This would require thorough Queue limitations throughout Classic. If you think twinks are bad, just wait until 60 when you get matched against a stacked premade.
If Blizzard answers twinks, it would be the next logical step to answer premades too. I don’t think the playerbase would currently be willingly to go down that road.
People have said time and time again they don’t want any tampering to go on. They’re wrong, but that’s their adamant about it. Any changes at all leads to a slippery slope.
You’re right, people will be discouraged by twinks and I promise you they will be discouraged by premades even more. It is what it is.
How do you go about defining a twink? 1 blue? 2? Blues with enchants? At what point is someone actually a twink? And how could the game really separate twinks from non-twinks?
I’ve never sought to twink, but from what I’ve seen and read, the 19 bracket is pretty popular. So, by 19, if you’re Horde, you’ve gone thru RFC, WC, and probably SFK. Does that make you a twink? Or the enchants?
Right? If some rogue gets really lucky running deadmines and had the defias chest and cruel barb at 19, and then they pay someone a few silver to slap some low level enchants on their stuff, they are going to be in the top 1% for gear and ROFLstomp a lot of people. But are they a twink?
Twinks exist to prey on everyone, period.
I mean if you can’t get bgs in early classic then your going to prey on players in higher level content and low level content.
RFC gear is kinda not worth it, but some green drops maybe.
Ring of sylvanus I believe is one of the limited things horde can get from sfk at 19.
Its the best ring at that level for twinks, the other drops from afk are like blue weapons like assasin blade shadow fang blade, they are rare drops and the best for some classes that are twinking at 19.
Probably should replace rfc with deadmines for most classes for tiwnking at 19.
It does make you a twink if you get the best in slot pieces, enchants are next level twinking.
As long as you have those pieces if you were to gang up on a twink with enchants they will be dead.
You could kill them even without help but, some twinks can solo 2 people or more depending on class and gear if they have grey stuff then yep twink will dominate them everytime unless grouping on them.
My question is, if the twink minority is so small, why is every non twink trying to shut them down? They are so small that it was pointless to even separate them in the first place. People just complain to much, and i honestly didnt even start forum crying until wrath. At least make it so you can turn xp off and pvp with levelers with balanced stats. What was the point of even merging the xp off and on with each other in legion in the first place? Hopefully blizzard comes up with a fix. I mean, they could add a stat template option that you would que up for in xp off, and que with lvlers. or you could opt out of that, and pvp with other twinks. I mean, even a player with no gear in xp off gets qued with other twinks. Makes no sense. At least have an option to be able to pvp with the levelers at a casual pace and make the scaling fair. I dont see the harm in adding something that levels out stats for a player that ques up for an xp off bg. A stat template option that we had in legion, would just be added as an exp off option. And if you chose to not have a stat template in xp off, you would que with xp off only, and it would be a bit more competitive.
You know when my friends and I encountered twinks it just made us want to make our own. My 29 druid with everyone mountless was good times (I single-handedly capped WSG too many times to count), and she wasn’t even an uber twink, just bis greens and a few other things.
My point is you’re going to encounter it because segregating these people is unfair to them, there aren’t a critical mass of them to generate decent queue times. And they aren’t by any means impossible to make. Personally I’d rather see them than not, a good one on your side can be pretty fun and I never remember just repeatedly losing to them to the point I was annoyed with it. Then again I don’t take leveling BGs too seriously, just get your marks and go was always my motto.
I agree with this. I like the idea of having BG’s as a leveling tool. And the idea that I can play, help my team, and enjoy the experience. Enjoy meaning not just be a target for someone with more resources than myself.
Also the whole Twinking thing just supports my feeling that PvP has always been about ganking, and always will be if controls are not in place.
You guys do realize that the twinking community is huge and make up a sizeable portion of subscribers, right?
I realize it sucks getting one shot by a twink but there are millions of players across numerous MMOs who never play max level endgame and only PvP with twinks.
Lmao are you really using retail twink ques in the past two months to justify your argument? The twink scene in retail has been dead for years… only temporarily reinvigorated when an expansion comes out and people stack high ilevel gear on 110’s because the world scales to you and it actually makes the game easier to play.