Lmao level 50-55 hunters can kill level 60 casters… a fresh 60 would be absolutely annihilated by a naxx geared toon.
Adding in EXP while in BGS is a change that came in Wotlk as was turning off Exp. Pretty sure this was already said incase anyone missed it.
Yup. AND they’re asking for change from 3.2 or w/e. From expansions away…
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Nothing is fair, nor does it need to be. Twinking is a part of the experience. I’m going to get shredded by my fair share of twinks while stopping to BG at the top of brackets, and in turn I am going to shred my share (and probably your share as well) of normie toons once I’ve invested research, time and gold into my twink. This is the order of things.
Catch you in the graveyard, scrub.
Then you have a sad, little life. How someone enjoys the game, following the rules of the game, should not affect you at all. The game is a shadow of its former greatness because so much player agency has been replaced with Blizzard hand-holding of casuals.
Just to further highlight why the gear gap at 60 is significant.
Pre-BIS at level 60 starts around ilvl 61, some a bit lower some a bit higher.
Tier 3 caps out at ilvl 92. 31 ilvl difference.
31 iLvL difference in an expansion that only has 92 ilvls or a ~33.7% increase from pre-raid BIS to Naxx.
The ilvl difference between lvl 10 and lvl 19 is 15-24 or 9, or ~35% increase in ilvl from 10-19.
Essentially a fresh level 60 in pre-bis VS a lvl 60 in BiS Naxx gear is the equivalent of a level 10 vs a level 19.
edit: I would also add that 33% of all power increase in the entire game happens at level 60, that is significant.
Lol, stick to retail, Snowflake.
You want to remove a whole style of play to enhance your style of play?
Sounds about the same as people wanting to ban Min-maxers for rushing through raid content instead of “enjoying the game”.
If you don’t want to deal with twinks do do BGs.
I believe it’s fair.
Everyone has the same opportunity provide to them. We will start at level one and what you decide to do or play like is what choose to do.
It would be like a warrior QQ about doing garbage damage when he has white weapons equipped and then states it’s not fair.
Longest troll thread I’ve ever seen. A work of art by a master troll if ever saw one.
BG XP didn’t remove choices, it actually added them.
And yet I’ve said I have no problem with level 60’s in average gear being grouped with Naxx geared players.
On serious side though guize.
Blizzard stated they’d even be adding bugs if said bugs felt part of Classic. That their design is to replicate what made classic.
Thusly Twinking was a known part of the game back then and it also affected economy and WPVP as well. So if you want fair pvp while leveling, and know I am not a fan of saying this but, you have current wow leveling pvp.
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Can’t believe this is still going.
Blizzard added BG gear to lower lvl brackets if they didn’t want twinking they would not have done this. Doing w/e people here are suggesting goes against the values of vanilla and thus going against the values of classic. Just stop being selfish and asking for QOL changes that you want. Get over yourself.
Twinking In wow is an entire sub community with its own economy and metas… why would you want to remove that??
Incoming “Pre-mades should have their own BG queues” once you hit 60.
All these tools talking about how tinks were not intended lol
Pro tip, pull out your original game manual, the one that came with the original wow.
It includes a small section on tinks.
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In 3.2 … You’re crying for a change from expansions down the line (on a pro-Vanilla forum no less) because you don’t want to invest the time that others will in Classic PvP.
BFA has the participation trophy BG style you’re looking for. Man oh man, and everyone gets legendaries and stuff! I bet you’ll dig it.
Such a broad brush you paint with. The twink cup says hello.