Someone at 60 can reasonable expect that they will encounter others with similar gear or at least competitive gear as that’s what most people at 60 are doing. Twinks knew they would almost never encounter people that might actually be a threat and in fact actively wanted to avoid any real competition.
Which they clearly proved when twinks were given their own queue.
Nope. This isn’t true. If I’m a leveling greens and maybe some dungeon blues 60, and I come across a rank 14 endgame BiS 60, it is not going to be a contest. At all.
When a generic level 28 takes a night to do BGs instead of leveling, the majority of people they hit in the battlegrounds will be similar to them. But if they run up against someone with way better gear, they’re at a disadvantage. It’s okay to not be the best.
Again… There aren’t enough people making twinks to fill a queue. I’m willing to concede that some people probably did stop playing their twinks against only twinks if you’re willing to concede that 6 hour queue times also had an impact.
Let’s seperate lesser geared people in PvE too! We can make a que system for them and everything, we’ll call it LFR, normal, and heroic. All of the good players will be in “mythic”, the highest difficulty.
Losing to a better geared player in PvP is the same as getting carried by a better geared player in PvE
I disagree someone with a decent mix of blues and pvp gear, a mix that you would reasonably expect at level 60, can challenge and beat someone in Naxx gear.
If there weren’t enough twinks across an entire battle group to get a single queue to pop after adding EXP whereas they were plentiful before it’s pretty obvious they just didn’t want to fight other twinks, not that there were too few of them.
Vanilla pvp is literally based on the engagement not being fair from the get go… over powered racials, differences in gear, class imbalances… why would you complain about it not being fair when it not being fair is what makes it special???
/shrug the item gap is significantly less between what an average player at 60 would have vs a Naxx geared played than what the average person leveling at say 19 would have vs a twink.
Vanilla was about making choices. Who are you to ask for the actual ability to make choices to be removed simply because other players choose to play differently than you do?
Twinks make a choice to do the best they can, in whatever bracket they choose. Because you won’t make that choice, you cry for the actual ability to choose to be removed.
You literally don’t want to do a Battleground against people that are better geared than you. That is the foundation of your entire argument.
It isn’t fair. Change it. Homogenize. Regulate. Separate. Because I don’t to put in the time they did.
Because all a player has to do at 60 is gear up and make gold, basically.
A player leveling at level 19 is more focused on getting experience to reach level 60 than they are about getting the BiS gear from dungeons at that level.
What is happening here is a bunch of special snowflakes don’t like the idea of being at a disadvantage so they want unrealistic changes so they feel safe in BGs.
Very few people from the anti-twink crowd understand that these changes they want, and were eventually given in retail, are part of what killed the game for so many people. It leads down a path of class homogenization, gear normalization and eventually are left with a glorified game of coin toss.
I’m guessing you’ve never been blown up by a t3 warr using a MoM or a rogue in full t2 exploding clothies with an ambush crit. You’ve definitely never had your face melted by a r14 spriest otherwise you’d realize what a ridiculous statement this is.