That segregates the player base and isn’t in line with the classic experience.
Tell me, how do you handle when you’re level 19 decked out in dungeon gear and a lvl 12 in white items is on the opposite team? Do you ignore them because it isn’t fair pvp? Do you just leave them alone because you don’t want to ruin their experience? Should level 19s be in their own BG’s so the level 12s can enjoy BGs without getting 1-shot?
that is exactly what these people want. They want some ridiculous homogenization in BGs where everyone has their stats and gear scaled to the same base and no one has an advantage. That’s how we end up in BFA territory.
There is no experience gain in vanilla BG’s so technically everyone is a ‘twink’. People who need boring homogenization and segregated queues can continue to enjoy BFA.
Let’s not change classic from being classic because of some BFA snowflake whiners.
There is no standard. There is only doing what one needs to do to gain advantage. The game doesn’t prevent you from enchanting your low level crap. Do it and quit whining.
Essentially you want a single player game where the only things that really matter are the things that personally matter to you. You don’t want to invest in the time to gear up a low level toon - so you don’t want anyone else to do it either.
You could make the same argument with EXP in BG’s, just keep rerolling, regearing and reenchanting you’ll have the same advantage. After if you have no problem doing whatever it takes to win easily that shouldn’t be a problem right?
Why not? It doesn’t cost much gold to buy level 60 enchants and if you’re farming between bg queues as an engineer you can easily self fund your own twink.
You’re complaining about something you are too lazy to do yourself.
This is classic, there is no balance, classes are not balance, specs are not balanced, gear is not balanced. Welcome to Vanilla.
How about I make my own dumb argument. How about raids don’t give gear, so I don’t have to be worried about being rolf-stomped by someone in T3. All because I don’t like to raid.
What about the twinks on your side? I also used to “soft twink” where I’d get pretty optimal greens and, say, run the flag as a druid at 29. I’m not really sad that it’s coming back, you don’t make exp in bgs anyway so I don’t see myself doing many except maybe for the leveling gear and eventually for a black mount. I never got to experience pvp without resilience at cap and twinking in full effect, honestly don’t know what else to expect except maybe at cap it’ll be a little less gimpy to start out with none of a pvp stat that doesn’t exist yet.
that was my self funded vanilla twink, did nothing but mine and craft target dummies between bg queues to sell fused wiring. Would make easily 20-35g/hour while pvp’ing. Nothing stopping you from doing the same except your own laziness.
Again, there’s not enough twinks to have consistently filled games. Even if 20% of the bracket is twinks, if you cut them all out into their own queue, that’s a five fold increase in wait time for battlegrounds for them. Just because objectively they’re better than you at that battleground doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to play.
The only reason they want to twink is to ROFLSTOMP other non-twinks in the BGs. (You can see that in the way twink participation died when they had a fair fight.)
No, twinking died because the queue time became over 6 hours on most servers/battlegroups.
What determines who is a twink? Am I a twink if I have the absolute BiS gear for the bracket but no level 60 enchants? What about level 40 enchants? What about if I’m level 39 or 49, can i have level 60 enchants? What about if I have bad gear but still have level 60 enchants? What if I have BiS gear but only enchants I can do myself?
What you are really saying is “I want everyone with better gear than me put in their own group so I can ROLFSTOMP people with equal or lesser. I only want to pvp against people where I am equal or better to them. Under no circumstances should they be better than me.”
Because fewer people were queuing. Fewer people were queuing because they couldn’t simply stomp people that were on somewhat equal footing.
Just face it… Anything point you try to argue, I can simply flip it on you and make it mean the exact opposite of what you intended. You should quit while you can.
This isn’t true. I can’t say that enough. At best, this is your perception of why people twink. But it’s subjective, generalizing, and has some flaws.
But ignoring that… Who cares why people made twinks? They put effort into being the best at something. They’re better than you because they put the work in. That’s how MMORPGs work. If you don’t like it, get better or quit. Just because you can’t hack it in WSG doesn’t mean the people better than you should have to go play somewhere else.
*Not specifically targeting YOU with the text above, just using “you” as the place holder for people who want twinks to go away.