Please Disable Twinking or allow people to queue for NON-twink bg's

If they are considering sharding then one can assume that the experience (as we already are aware of and as it has already been outlined) will not be entirely authentic to the original Vanilla experience. I highly doubt realm population caps will be the same as the original but this is my personal feeling and is indeed a baseless assumption and you are probably correct about this. Higher populations meaning more BGs is a good thing from my perspective so again I don’t see why they wouldn’t do this

I suspect that your lack of ability to respond to all my valid points is simply because you have no counterpoint, and also because I called you out for your ignorance and lack of ability to provide some sort of reasonable counterpoint, to which you have only failed with each response.

We are back to this point yes. Getting gear and having it enchanted is fine, I never said it isn’t, so once again you’re putting words where there are none. I am simply advocating for the ability to be able to have battlegrounds that satisfy both ends of the spectrum due to the fact Blizzard’s original statement being that twinking was never intended and I feel this a good way to keep people who enjoy twinking happy, while also allowing people to experience pvp in the way it WAS originally intended, I.E. without raid level enchantments.

Yes I did say optional, and obviously if twinks wanted to not face only other twinks they would be afforded the same luxury. It doesn’t mean they would get to fight the people that don’t want to engage with twinks to begin with. Thank you for providing another strong counterpoint for my argument.

I didn’t speak for anyone by the way, you just like to try and insinuate things that I am not saying or doing. You pointing out what I said doesn’t make my statement any less true and you are just completely disregarding logic just to try and take a stab at me. Unfortunately you are still losing and you saying I’m speaking for other people (which I’m not). If you are accusing me of speaking for other people, why do you contradict yourself in that exact same statement by saying “Some people don’t care about dying, they just want to attack things”?

Irony at its best.

I have never twinked properly.
I have however, made an effort to be geared and enchanted properly for my level.
Half the time I get curbstomped the other half I do the curbstomping .
Even with basic attention to gear i have entered bgs with a fishing pole equipped and still do better than half the bg groups. lowest common denominator in wow is really low.


FINALLY, someone who can see the validity of my post. I agree with everything you said, and you put it in a very concise manner. It definitely would enhance the pvp community as a whole I feel as well! Kudo’s my friend!

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Great his feeling are validated by one post we can now sleep well.


Why you keep feeding troll? Is troll that hungry? Here troll, have some more.


And this kills your entire argument. If twinks don’t have to be forced into twink land, what’s the point? If I’m a non-twink and I don’t want to fight twinks, but twinks have the option to be in the non-twink BG, I don’t get what I want.

And yes, some twinks will chose the non-twink option simply because they just want to wreck the non-twinks.

You’re speaking for other hypothetical people by saying something logically isn’t fun. Implying that no one finds it fun because they got 3 shot and no one would ever just try harder and take it as a challenge to beat this twink.

Because as someone in the group that doesn’t care about dying and just wants to play the game, and doesn’t care about winning or losing, I can make that statement.

I suspect your assumption that I have to respond to all of your “points” is why you come off as whiny and arrogant.

Yep. Arrogance as it’s finest. I’m done with this. All you want to do it act like you’re right and all differing opinions are wrong. Have fun in your echo chamber.


Right, and again people would still be entirely able to twink out their characters but with what I propose, even if the people who were twinks themselves didn’t want to face other twinks, they would have the option not to, but it doesn’t mean they would be able to face the people who weren’t twinks and didn’t want to face twinks.

If this change were allowed it would be specific to twinking only. Once more I want to reinstate the fact that twinking was never intended to begin with. Just because it became something that people started doing doesn’t mean that it belongs, or rather doesn’t belong (for both sides of the argument sake).

That being said, I’m not sure “raid-geared twinks” is an appropriate classification unless you were again referring to pre-60 characters, but I’m going to assume you meant level 60 pvp and how there can be a large disparity between gear in that area. To be fair, I am not advocating for anything like that and I never have. I was in tier 2.5 gear at the end of vanilla getting destroyed by people in t3 gear who had cleared Naxx. That is a separate issue and a valid point that you make however my focus in this thread is on twinking in pre-60 environments for the purpose of making the leveling experience better for people.

Once you’re 60 that’s an entirely different ballgame and is mostly attributed to you finding a guild to raid with, also you can join a pvp guild and aim for high warlord gear to be competitive (even though T3 gear stomps everything else, but at which point you could consider joining a guild that does naxx and eventually gain access to said gear)

The best way to kill twinks is just to not to queue, its not worth it they ruin the mode. They put crusader on level 19/29 weapons etc and just like gankers in pvp realms they don’t want a fair fight they want a power fantasy and you are the victim.

Eventually what you get is just twink brackets that are sometimes active given enough players invested in twinking. It sucks for everyone who wants to pvp legitly with the means of their level bracket. (no one in their right minds would grind @29 to get a crusader enchant etc but they use their 60’s to twink etc etc.)

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I don’t understand the pushback this post is getting, but then I think about how the most common topic on these forums the travesty that right click reporting would be and SMH.

Why is everyone rushing to the defense of twinks? Distinct minority of players whose presence in a BG is a noted negative impact on overall gameplay for everyone else involved. Twinks are a shart in the middle of the pool party, they cause people who were having fun to bail out and not return.

Again, PvP should be about a skill based fair fight, not a murder. You want to find the best chess player you need to let players have matching pieces, not start the fight with one dude already down pieces. This is basic math, everyone understands this. And sorrynotsorry but if you derive great pleasure from murdering other players only because of outgearing them by such a margin that you’re now faceroll tier… congrats, you might be a sadist.


You once again have failed at reading comprehension and as such are now running away because you realize you have failed miserably in this debate and you walk away, a sore loser.

You didn’t read my entire statement and again only highlighted the part that I said that benefits your argument. Please quote the full thing instead of being petty. I stated that twinks would have the option to not face other twinks, but that didn’t mean they would get to face people who weren’t twinks, who don’t want to face twinks. Reading comprehension. You fail again.

I did indeed say that getting 1-3 shot logically isn’t fun, if you find that fun then all the more power to you but I didn’t say that I am speaking for everyone. This is your failure in this debate because you keep insinuating things that aren’t even in the discussion. You can try harder all you want but a twink warrior with a twink healer and a twink hunter and a twink rogue are going to stomp you 99% of the time so your argument is invalid. It’s not about trying harder.

I’m sorry but no, you cannot make a statement as if you speak for everyone or a large group of people. That is incredibly ignorant and you only lose all credibility. In doing so you only prove how foolish you are.

My assumption that you will respond to my points is because that’s what people do in an intelligent debate. When you can’t come up with valid counterpoints it means you are losing the argument. You must not have been very good at this in school. You have proved that you are incredibly lacking in regards to the intelligence needed to provide valid counterparts to my argument.

It’s not arrogant to state that you are losing (Which you are) due to your failure to respond to me in an intelligent manner. You have only responded with emotion and have conceded defeat to me not only by failing to provide valid counterpoints (which I have entirely dismantled) but by also choosing to leave the conversation.

Have a good day!

I leveled my alt up to 39 for the first 4 months of its existence and played in the 39 BG’s quite a bit. I had a lot of fun and only a few blues from questing and dungeons…

I was by no means a twink and did just fine.


its a troll post, report and move on


Please elaborate how it’s a troll post? I guarantee I’m not going to get an intelligent response but please, humor me.

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The higher level bracket you were in, the fewer twinks there were. Most twinks were in 19, quite a few were in 29, but after that there was a considerable drop off.

As far as I remember, anyway.


39 was very popular on my server. It’s just a guess, but I would wager at least half of the people playing were geared to the teeth… Some of it was a little ridiculous, but I still had a ton of fun and did my best to contribute.

I did not live in some sort of deslusion that I was on a 100% equal footing, but I simply relied on my ability to cheese the game play… It’s something that was heavily re-enforced on me by playing way too much EQ and UO.

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This is correct, also depending on what class you were would allow you an easier time depending on the bracket. For example, Warriors were terrible (without healbots) solo in pvp in the 10-19, and 20-29 brackets due to not having intercept yet so they couldn’t engage while already in combat and got kited to death. Hunters were generally good in every bracket but almost unstoppable in the 20-29 and 30-39 brackets. Rogues dominated the 10-19 brackets, etc etc.

So depending on the bracket and what class you were allowed for you to still have a reasonably positive experience.

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A classic example of an elderly person being scared of the next generation. Just because you’re scared of change and the world around you progressing doesn’t make you superior in any way. I know this is hard for a person of your advanced age to understand, but you can talk to someone without insulting them. Age =/= wisdom.

Now that that’s out of the way, do you see how any can just make up assumptions about people they dont know? I have no issues with people of any generation or age. I do, however, have a problem with people who feel the need to put others down make themselves feel better. You’re no better than a schoolyard bully. Maybe you’re the one who needs to grow up a little and learn to act your age. Don’t lash out at others because you’re unhappy with your life.

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I thought that once upon a time. Not everyone gains wisdom in the same measure, and not everyone starts out with the same amount.

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Lol, this is so stupid.


That isn’t the reason, all I had to do when I leveled a none twinking rogue is equip a blue dagger that was level 18-19 to kill people who are twinks in 20-29 bracket as a level 23 player. Did this in every bracket and succeeded.

39 is one of the most popular brackets, probably see more twinks in that then 20-29.

But coming to classic forums and asking to disable twinking is very stupid, you don’t remove gear from rpgs because there is some pvp in it.
Its a remake of an old game, once you start removing things its no longer the same game.

Low level bgs are very boring when you have grey clothed people running through out a bracket where you should of gotten at least 2 greens from quests.

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