Please Disable Twinking or allow people to queue for NON-twink bg's

Well, given that all brackets will be exp-off, whether or not you’re twinking, it would appear to me that we’ll find out how long they stick around if those brackets wind up with nothing but twinks in them. A nice second-test-trial, if you will.

Or do you think they’ll add experience points back into BG’s at some point in Classic?


You don’t seem to understand what a comparative analogy is.

Preparation for raids is the same as preparation for BGs and involves more than just practice but also includes acquiring needed items and equipment (like FR gear).

Incidentally, your opinion about what preparation is and isn’t is wrong and, in fact, stupid.


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No. Stop trying to change fundamentals.

It actually changes nothing. Just like retail, you still need to be within loot range of the kill to be eligible for loot trading. But if you’re within loot range for the kill, then you would just instantly send loot via master looter anyway.

The only thing loot trading does, is help you fix a mistake made by master loot.

if they should banish anyone, it’s the players who show up wearing horrible gear, who are clueless to the strategy and get oneshot, taking down the whole team.
At least a Twink takes pride in his craft and PvP.


And you don’t seem to understand what was the main subject that i was talking about: Real preparation for PvP is fight against anothers persons, not get gear. You can get fully equipped trough doing pvp activities, but it’s not the fact of getting gear what will make you a good player, it’s all the practice you geted fighting against other players what will really makes you a good player.

You should stop putting those cocktail emojis. It’s like if were real alcohol that is affecting your cognitive capacities, considering your replies.

Just keep moving those goalposts …



Why so many responses to troll thread?

Learn proper grammar before throwing out insults about someone’s intellect. Maybe they won’t own you next time.

Based on your posts you really don’t understand vanilla pvp. You’re going to be real upset when you find out how over powered engineering is… should engi be banned from pvp because it gives someone an advantage? You’re totally clueless on the genre of game you’re posting about…


So, loot trading changes paying a high lvl player to run you through the dungeon…how?

Doing it with the normal 5 man group ran a high risk of out leveling the bracket you were aiming for. Because even doing deadmines, to be considered for a normal group they usually looked for someone at least lvl 18, usually lvl 20.

Twinks in dungeons never worried about losing a roll, they used gold to pay a high lvl to run it for them. And gold takes time to farm, has value, and is something not easily aquired at lower levels, even higher level people have trouble massing it.

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I 100% agree with you OP.

I’m sick of level 60 twinks killing me in PvP just because they have better gear than me. We should use the scaling system that retail has so every PvP fight can be a drawn out bore with no classes having any strengths or weaknesses over each other.

This is the ONLY way to fix vanilla.


All in favor of the OP say Nay, all opposed say Nay…the Nays have it!

Relax boy, in my country english is not our native language. At least i can write and talk a foreign language in a way that even you can understand me. And how about you? can you say at least “where is the bathroon?” in a language that not be your native language?

And here we have the time-honored genital waving approach, folks. Look at this relic of the internet from the days of yore and be amazed!



That was a good one, really amusing :laughing:. Now say it in other language. Show us how smart you are.

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I’d have to say no on that one. Twinking’s not an issue in any bracket other than 10-19 and you’ll be long out of that bracket by the time BG’s are made available anyway, why put so much dev time and effort into a system that will be simply ignored by 95% of players?

Consider this system would need a way to check every equipped and inventory slot for a classification of item that doesn’t exist. Enchants, for example don’t have an item level or anything that can simply be excluded. Vanilla WoW doesn’t separate between an Assassin’s Blade with +2 Beastslaying and an Assassin’s Blade with Crusader, they’re both just enchanted Assassin’s Blades.

Alternatively you’re suggesting Blizzard disable the ability to twink entirely which would just mean removing any level 17-19 Rare item because just about any of them can be used to make a twink. Better remove WC, VC and SFK as well because they offer gear to characters of those levels, much of which is used in twinking.

What are the rules of loot trading? Does the one the loot being traded to have to be alive during the fight that produced the loot? Do they have to be within a specific range of that fight? Do they have to be in a situation whete they are accumulating XP during that fight?

Todo lo que dices es una tonteria. Deberias dejar de llorar por las personas que trabajan mas que duro que tu.

This made me laugh. Thank you.

Also its bathroom. Not bathroon. M and N are different letters.

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