Please Disable Twinking or allow people to queue for NON-twink bg's

It takes prior planning, knowledge of how to maximize your chances at BiS before you ding 20 (or 30, or 40, or whatever kills the bracket you were prepping for), focus, and either a lot of luck or a lot of time to level several twinks that simply don’t get enough of the drops before you hit level 19.95 so you start over.

All those things are RPG skillsets. They most certainly involve effort. What they don’t involve as much are skillsets associated with MOBA’s or ARTS’s, such as reflexes and awareness and fast-action multitasking and live voice-comms and team coordination, although those things certainly don’t hurt.

Twinking the gear is one more thing you can do to become the best, within parameters of a certain level bracket as set up by Blizzard.

I think there is room to argue that the amount of advantage gained by BiS gear relative to those who don’t have all of it is way too much, as compared to the amount of advantage you gain by those other non-twinking efforts you put into your twink.

As far as those who criticize twinks for enjoying being OP in the BG relative to the majority of other non-twink players – I’m not judgmental of them.

Wiping the floor with people is more fun then having someone wipe the floor with you. News at eleven…

Twinking to me and running into twinks is a massive part of the fun of low level BGs. I was sad to see it removed. I also think the OP is overestimating the impact early game. It won’t affect you unless you’re late to the party, and in that case skip BGs in the early brackets and problem solved.

There was a considerable amount of time, effort, and cost require for twinking in Vanilla. I twinked a hunter in Wrath and even at that time it wasn’t cheap.

First you likely need a level 60 with disposable income, ie you have your BiS, enchants, epic mount etc. and you’re looking for something else to do, so you choose to twink. You could potentially try to make a twink with level 60 support from someone else, that’s a good friend to gift you all that gold.

You need to run dungeons to get BIS gear. If it takes too many runs you level out of your bracket and RIP that twink. There is no xp off option in Vanilla. Closest thing is ensuring you are with someone high enough to grey the mobs and prevent xp gain. So you’re paying for carrys or utilising your friend, or this twink is on a separate $15 a month account.

You then need to buy the remaining gear slots.
You need to level Proffesions, typically Engineering, First Aid, and optionally Fishing. The 2nd primary will depend on class, mining was good in wrath with the stam perk but I dont recall that being in Vanilla. You have to buy the mats as you can’t farm mats to get 225 skill at level 19/29, or 300 skill at 39 bracket.

On top of the gold for gear and proffesions you are buying top end raiding enchants using mats farmed from raids and level 60 dungeons that also go for large sums.

You then also stay up to catch the Gurabashi Arena at midnight, 3am, 6am in the hope no one is doing the same! (Have and bring a lvl 60 friend or 2) for that one!

Once you’re done you can one shot noobs. In Wrath I dueled and took down a fresh (and admittedly bad) lvl 58 Deathknight as a level 19 hunter twink.

TLDR; if someone is willing to make the investment let them. Classic won’t be Classic without twinks. Next you’ll want to ban the Naxx geared premade of Field Marshalls you queue into at 60 when you are still in Quest greens! How about we have Blizzard normalize stats in BGs so gear doesn’t matter? Even better while were at it let’s add LFR Molten Core with Titanforged versions of drops better than Naxx rewards! I want to farm M+ BRD for a better version of my Iron Foe than the one I already farmed!


Hush you – they might actually read these forums! :wink:


Just stop. I have played twinks and had a blast, additionally I’ve played undergeared chars against twinks and had a blast. When presented with a problem, find a solution or avoid the problem. Don’t ask for sweeping changes that effect many people because you’re incapable of handling a situation.


We are talking about Bgs, not raids. BTW, i didn’t said that your opinion was stupid, try to respect other peoples views. Otherwise you will be stupid, and not just your opinions.

Well, if i have to make a conclusion considering your reply (a reply where you don’t even try to debate about my statement) i can say without any doubt that is not smaller than yours.



Someone never played basketball.


I played horse with my buddies about 40 years ago. I am not up to date with the absurd lingo of these modern times.

It is in no way “a lot of work”. Sorry, but lol, no.

hahaha, OK buddy. Your twink that you fed gear to is so much “better” than me. Holy cow the delusions on this forum.

Dude, please, I would like to drink my beer, not continue to spray it all over my keyboard. :rofl:


ALL you NEED to outfit a low level twink is a high level player to feed you gear, PERIOD. Skill doesn’t even make an appearance on a distant radar. We even had a player create a thread asking about rep gain while dead this week, so they could LITERALLY get the Timbermaw gear while dead. Much skill there, let me tell you.

Guess how loot trading will effect this.

This is literally the stupidest comment i have seen. First, how many people are going to level there first character and twink? None. You twin by leveling to 60 and then buying stuff off AH or having your friends who are 60 running you through the dungeons.

Second your idiotic comment about how every can get the gear at 60 is beyond stupid. How many guilds were in Naxx? Tier 3 obliterates 60s like a 60 obliterates a level 10.


Is the gear difference at level 60 that big of an effect in PvP, between Tier 2 and Tier 3 for example?

Vanilla’s rock/paper/scissor balance design is a bigger impact in many cases. A mage in quest greens and blues will kite and kill a full tier 3 warrior with ease.

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I made a thread discussing this very topic. will copy and paste my post from it.

"The Mentality Behind Twink Players And People Against Twinking.

The fact of the matter is, people fall under 2 categories regarding this topic

You either;

  1. Have the mentality to become a better player, get better gear and work to become competitive

  2. Have the mentality to be lazy and whine and complain that Blizzard needs to change the game because you don’t wan’t to put in as much effort as other players.

That is what it really boils down to. you either have a competitive attitude, or a defeatist attitude. and this goes beyond just twinking. you don’t need to become a twink to have the competitive mentality or the defeatist mentality.

Non-Twink with competitive mentality will focus on the positives. they will help the twinks on their team, provide buffs to them, throw them heals, whatever it is they can do to help their team, or the twinks on their team to help them win. and in turn it makes them want to make their own character stronger to help contribute even more to their team winning.

Non-Twink with Defeatist mentality will only focus on the negatives. how often he gets killed, how many times his team loses etc. he will not try to become better and stronger, rather complain that something needs to change.

EVERYBODY in the game has the capabilities to twink characters. it just depends on the effort you wan’t to put in. just like an RPG should be.

I myself got blasted by twinks as a level 10 rogue. but because I am a person with a competitive mentality, it did not dissuade me from BG’s. I still queue’d BG’s constantly, and tried to help my team win. many times I was killed by enemy twinks, but guess what? many other times I was able to run a flag across the field to score a flag capture by saving my sprint and finding a good route to run. Or I was able to score a flag return when we killed an enemy twink by being good with my right clicks.

I didn’t quit when twinks killed me. I then decided I wanted to make my character even better. I had no maxed character. on my lowbie rogue I went to the barrens and fished savoury delights and cooked them, as they were sold for 20g/stack on my server at the time during TBC. I made a really good twink, the only thing I was missing was the BiS Shadowfang item, and the epic quality leg armour enchant.

I became 95% BiS geared twink all on my own because I wanted to do it. I didn’t complain that the game needed to be changed.

I look forward to making twinks again in Classic WoW and helping my teams to win many battlegrounds. and I hope to come across many players in my battlegrounds with a competitive mentality.

thanks for reading, bye!"


You forgot the mentality of the twink, play in such a way you can face roll while knowing you’ll never face a real challenge.

You are asking for separated queues within World of Warcraft Classic.

No way.



Twinks don’t encounter other twinks in BG’s? How about an opposing team that has voice comms and coordinated non-twinks that spot the twink and find a way to undermine it?

Given that lower-level BG’s, especially the 10-19 bracket, will only slow down leveling. At some point won’t they become like half-full of twinks on any given day, or even more?

Might be something to look forward to seeing as Classic ages a couple years and people look for things to do with their Naxx-on-farm and horde of gold to spend on whatever (that’s tongue-in-cheek), to see how many people build a twink or two and spend some time in that bracket.

Without it being a place where you can level quickly without grinding quests or open-world mobs or whatever, it seems to me that these places will not be all that relevant to non-twinks, no?


All we can really go by is that when twinks were given their own EXP off brackets they deserted in mass numbers when they were only being matched up with other twinks.

So yes I think it’s very fair to say twinks had little to no interest in anything other than face rolling non twinks.

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this has been debunked numerous times.

you’re like one of those brainlets who just regurgitates talking points to try and make your point, when in reality your talking points are not based in facts.