Butthurt bads complaining about twinks in lower level brackets – think they should be segregated because bads can’t win their participation trophy or work with the twinks on their side to overcome and win.
So OP, are we ganna also segregate 60’s with AQ/Naxx gear, too? What is the difference in twinking and gearing out your main character at 60?
Oh, none? There is none? Work with your team, support your teams own twinks to win or don’t play. Its a part of the game and asking for massive game changes to cater to your own special snowflake opinions is absolutely absurd.
Instead of dragging others down to your level, uplift yourself to their level. Spend some time and money on getting twink gear and enchants. You don’t need to go full twink to be competitive, not in vanilla at least.
Call it coward tactics all you want, those people put in a lot of work for that power. If you’re someone who hasn’t hit cap, and then implies that you’re better at the game then those who put in the effort to twink, that’s just comical.
Everyone starts out the same. It is fair. One guy put in significantly more work that the other guy, he deserves to win. The loser will either whine and make a forum post, or he will strive to get better. The people who strove to be better, are the people who ended up invested in the game and played it for years.
It is as if people are not actually reading threads and type out hot takes that have already been discussed and pounded into the dirt.
Running lowbie dungeons at L60 is a “lot of work”?
Your twink alt is not “better”, it is simply decked out in welfare gear from your high level main. Attempting to portray twinks as “better” or people who “worked hard” is absurdity.
A good twink in 1.12 (For the 19 bracket since I am gonna assume that’s what EVERYONE is talking about) is not only going to literally take hundreds of stupid hours to get relatively BiS. But probably well around 2K gold assuming you have to buy some gear + the correct enchants and leveling professions. Not only that but you’re GONNA need friends for certain to do things like the fishing tournament or AGM.
God fricken KNOWS I want a BiS twink but that sure as HECK isn’t happening for at least like 6-8 months after classic launch and I am going to be going HARD in the fricken PAINT in Classic.
As the dude said earlier like. If you actually like. Went through the time of getting like. AGM. Fishing hat. Professions. Rep items. BiS enchants. Like. Honestly? Good’on’ya… Like. Enjoy smearing people I say. You earned the RIGHT to fricken smear dumb-dumbs.
Edit: I remember going into trade chat before AGM went down back in the day having to pay people like 10gold per person, with a full party. To make sure I got the stupid chest. Win. Lose. No-shows. Doesn’t matter. You don’t have to do the math to know that’s A LOT of gold for just the AGM alone. Similar thing can be said for the stupid lucky fishing hat and the fishing boots too. I also remember logging in at stupid hours like legit getting up @ like 5AM. Turning on my computer. Logged out at Gurubashi arena. Praying no one was there. And going for the stupid chest. Then going back to sleep before school. Honestly some people don’t even understand some of the CRAP people had to GO THROUGH to get these BiS items. Or if you’re a rogue wanting duel shadowfangs? Unless some idiot throws it up on the AH for like, 30G then good-luck you’re probably gonna be 100-200G per each of those things easy. Or good luck farming shadowfang keep until you die of old age, and ramming your face into the wall waiting for that stupid thing to drop.
This is clearly not completely correct. A whole community sprung up. Ever heard of the twink cup? What happened was there was issues with ques when they were first separated and it wasn’t lack of people. Most of the community even migrated to the same servers or battle groups back then and still couldn’t get ques to pop. A lot lost interest because of it. A lot came together on:
So yea there was an entire community across multiple brackets who wanted to fight other twinks. Did some quit because they were seal clubbers? Probably. Not all of us.
Know why I started thinking low level toons? To be competitive in those brackets and I got pwned. Planning out a twink and working towards that goal is no different than planning out a max level toon. Except the part about not gaining XP.
I loved being careful to not level. Frustrating at times. Lost a twink or two to the ding. Lol. Best part about XP is being able to run dungeons but I’d rather be careful with my XP. Makes planning so much more important.
If you see Padrehunter in classic come find out. Lol.
This is a bad guess at best.
On a side note. I’ve given you the benefit of doubt when people have said you’re just here to ruin classic. Even when they claim you go against anything to make it as unvanilla as possible. This post just made me question that doubt…
Real players will always find what works. There’s no stopping them. You can hinder them but they will still pwn noobs!
Watching people try to discredit twinks or highly geared 60s is highly amusing. It’s an mmorpg. Time and commitment should matter. Trying to turn WoW pvp into a ‘fair’ e-sport is why it’s so shallow and boring these days. This game isn’t a fps, a moba, an rts. It’s a true rpg. Players can gain significant advantages over others. Deal with it.
You’re soo delusional it’s sad really. Obviously if you’re going to run around in full gear you’re going to smear people but it takes a VERY long time and A LOT of effort to get to that point.
Needless to say with all that time and effort it takes skill in order to aquire these specific things over a long course of time (Or shorter course of time if you have good friends.)
As long as your in the higher level range of the bracket and have done some dungeons to keep your gear up to date you can do just fine in bgs against twinks. Kiting still works, cc still works, just try not to face one alone if your class isn’t a good counter.
If you come up against a squad of twinks I’m sure you’ll get rolled, but they aren’t that common if battlegroups are in play.
If you’re in the lower end of the bracket you deserve to get rolled.
Like. Putting it bluntly. I am fricken RACING to 60. I am going SUPER hard in the paint. I am going to GRIND my BUTT off. I am GOING to have good dear. I am GOING to smear people. And I am GOING to have fun as a result.
I did it back then. I’ll do it again.
Getting R13 or BiS twinking is not just the way the retail game is today where you’re rewarded for throwing your face into the wall enough times you’ll EVENTUALLY get a desirable outcome (Such as LFR wipe debuff or the bwomsamdi’s bargain deal if you deplete your M+ keystone) it takes time AND skill. If you just throw your fricken face into the wall you won’t get very far. At all.
I WANT the game to be hard. I want it to be challenging. I want there to be a grind. It’s why I am SOOO hyped for this game. I am ready for a game to be a fricken challenge again.
That person got to level 60 in the first place in order to do that, so yes. Leveling a toon to max, and then reaping rewards on your alts is not in any way a bad thing. Everyone starts out with no characters on their account that they have to level from level 1. If someone else gets to 60, and then does a bunch of stuff for their lowbie alt, then they obviously have put more work than you into that toon. Therefor, they deserve to be that powerful. What is so hard to understand about that?
I don’t think you know what “welfare gear” is. My twink alt is obviously better than your main that still hasn’t capped.
I haven’t really pvp’d much since Wrath. I tried a few bgs in Legion and something felt off. I was a fresh 110, and I actually did pretty well. And that weirded me out. I’m fighting against people who had been 110 for months and months and I’m actually competing with them. Frankly, I’d rather get blown up by someone who has put in the time.
It’s a similar reason as to why I abhor scaling. There’s no sense of progression. There’s very little to shoot for. There’s plenty of games built for this kind of gameplay, but in an mmorpg it just doesn’t make sense. Not to me, anyway. People just need to learn to put their egos aside and realize it’s just a freaking video game. Chill out, relax. This insatiable need to say, "I am the best, and you’re only beating me because of your superior gear!!!’ is so ridiculous. It’s this attitude of ‘fairness’ and ‘evening the playing field’ that has sucked the rpg aspect out of the game.
Nothing about R13 or BiS twinking is hard or takes skill. It is entirely throwing your face into it until it happens. A pure timesink. Also if you have friends already at 60, or just join a twinking guild, of which there were plenty, you don’t even need to put in the time, you can literally just be carried into twinkdom and roll people for having put in zero effort.
I don’t mind scaling in COMPETITIVE PvP (Arena or rated BG’s) In such an environment I feel like it should come down to ‘may the best man win’ NOT ‘May whoever has the biggest stick win’
However in such a place as classic it has no place in existence and the PvP should be wonderful.