Please Disable Twinking or allow people to queue for NON-twink bg's

that is irrelevant. you may not like it, but 1.12 is the game we are getting

When did I say we weren’t? All I said was that the only reason people twink is so they can face roll BG’s.

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i guess posting that makes you feel better about it? it is what it is

i dont feel like raiding naxx or grinding rank 14, but somebody will do it and use that to their advantage too

I personally enjoy twinking, its fun trying to find the best items for your class at a certain level. I will probable make a 19 or 29 twink like rogue or mage probable and a 39 twink shaman again, not right away but eventually. Just a way to make the game a bit more interesting. Working toward getting the grand master arena trinket was crazy, and trying to farm or find those ultra rare BoE items was quite the journey. I remember when someone sold me the pendulum of doom axe for like 25 or 50 gold or something. Felt soooo bad for the guy afterwards but I couldn’t pass up a steal like that.

Coward tactics. We’re talking about a video game here, not the Battle of the Bulge. Let’s dial down the rhetoric a bit.

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I don’t disagree, it’s part of the reason why i never was able to take pvp seriously in WoW.

the naxx enchants on a 19 are going a bit far, i can admit that. i dont think it will be wide spread though, that didnt really happen until tbc

naxx wont even be in the game until a year or so passes, the people worried about this probably wont even still be running many 19 bgs by that time, and its not like it will become instantly used by tons of twinks once its there

Will you ever stop trying to turn classic into retail?

How is explaining the reason why people twinked trying to change anything?

You make assumptions about why people twink… don’t blanket everyone under that.

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No I made a statement based on the observation that once twinks were put in their own bracket where they primarily only fought other twinks suddenly they stopped playing.

The conclusion is that twinks were in fact really only interested in face rolling non twinks and not in fact actually fighting other twinks.

I’m in the dark on the separation since I haven’t played. Can you explain what they used as the separation point? I’m actually asking not trying to argue

Blizzard added EXP to BG’s and added the option to turn off EXP gain in BG’s, people with EXP off were put in separate queues from people with EXP gain turned on.

Ah for sure. Without that mechanic idk how they’d actually separate twinks in vanilla without fundamentally changing the leveling process.

Thanks for the info btw

It could only be considered after seeing how the populations stabilize after the initial rush of release and people reach max content. That said, BGs in vanilla didn’t grant experience (to my recollection). Getting BiS for your twink could be nearly impossible (drop rates aren’t always great). There wasn’t an experience eliminator… so your character could never explore certain maps or kill mobs (green+) without risking overleveling the content… it was challenging, to my understand. Loot trading will make this somewhat easier, however. To my knowledge, thinks have only ever been separated out when they had XP off… if you were a regular player who got abnormally lucky with drops, you would be stuck in a queue with almost exclusively experienced players and have longer queue times…

I guess they could possibly do some sort of filtering by rank/HK per bracket, but I think it might cause more harm than good… if the population of either/both are low.

What is equal is not always fair and what is fair is not always equal.

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that lasted for a few expansions, but they have been back in the same queue as everyone else since legion

players learned how to make exp on twinks anyway, its pretty hard to stop people from having a gear advantage if they really want it, unless you just make gear not matter at all

People will be twinking characters long before the BGs open. Nothing prevents them from doing so. They will be OP geared already by the time they are released.

True true…

Also twinking won’t be available from launch either so your point once again is irrelevant.

You have actually reinforced no points. Maybe I’m feeding the troll but holy crap what a contradiction.