FYI this is the Classic forum. BG’s didn’t give experience in Vanilla. If they did there would have been no twinking, because you also couldn’t freeze your experience in Vanilla. That last part is important, because it made it challenging to get the best gear in every slot before you dinged 20, rather than just locking your experience and spamming dungeons being carried by a high-level person who let you have all the loot.
Yes, pretty much the true, anyway i can complain about that and give my opinion with some weak hope that some Dev will listen. But win the lottery seems to be more probably.
It’s amazing some people haven’t figured out this is a troll thread.
Damn this thread got popular since I last looked at it… Yeah I say if people wanna twink go for it… It’s not exactly an easy 1,2,3 kinda thing you can just ‘do’ ESPECIALLY without a level 60 AND good friends to help you out as well…
I think part of the problem here comes from people who didn’t play in vanilla, but did play in TBC or Wrath. You see, in TBC the rep requirements for low level PvP gear were removed. Because of this, a LOT of players hit up the low level BGs for things like the 18/28/38/etc sword, bow, ring, neck, staff from WSG and the run speed boots, belt, and trinket (and later those sweet sweet epic bracers) from AB. All you needed were the marks from 10 wins or 30 losses or some combination thereof.
Those pieces were really, really good at the time, given the lack of heirlooms in TBC, and fewer of them in Wrath than we have now. I did it on most characters even though it was much less efficient than just leveling, but I had much more success in world pvp because of it. Most of the pieces would last you 10 levels easily. And it was because of the desire to get those pieces in TBC and even Wrath (which by then also had heirlooms but not for as many slots) that the screams to do something about twinking got loud enough for Blizzard to do something about it, which they did in patch 3.2.
In classic, however, you will not be able to get those low level PvP pieces without rep, and that rep will take literally hundreds of games for access to all the gear. You’re just not going to spend that kind of time in WSG or AB on your first classic character. And if by some chance you do (or anyone does), then by God you earned it, just like you earned any other PvP gear in classic. There were no rewards for casual low level PvP except the trinket, or maybe the sergeant gear if you tried a bit harder. No XP, no achievements, no PvP faction gear and very limited ranked gear (which sub 60 wasn’t good, either). On top of that, a single AV weekend once you hit 51+ could dwarf the rank points of weeks or months worth of low level play.
No changes should be made from classic. None. Don’t like twinks but want low level pvp? Roll on a PvP server and go to Ashenvale, Hillsbrad, STV, or wherever. You will find people your level to attack, and almost none of them will be twinks. You’ll have bigger problems from the 60s who will one shot your level 29, particularly if you’re doing well at it. But there’s enjoyment to be had in that, too.
Not really, because after the leveling rush, if you’re on an alt that’s all “PvP” is. Getting camped by someone who has absolutely nothing better to do with his life than make sure that somebody else can’t play a game. They say it’s to bring out the other high levels, but 9/10 times, they’ll run away at the first sign of a fair fight.
Saying twinks have no skill, cause they have good gear. Then how do twinks win from other twinks?
Typical ignorant people using ignorant arguments.
Seems that way, this isn’t some sort of shooter where everyone comes equiped with the same stuff, half the skill is acquiring the gear. Because the game revolves around gearing up. The rest is being able to beat the other person.
Yep people arguing about twinking has no skill are ignorant, not many people can get every item they need before hitting the bracket cap.
Well beyond that people asking to disable twinking which collecting gear is part of the game, shouldn’t really be here they should be in bfa where gear is practically meaningless and the only thing that is op is class imbalance.
I wasn’t aware that you couldn’t chose to twink yourself for the BG lvl bracket you were in, yet others could.
Sounds to me like you have the option to twink, you just don’t want to out the effort in, so you claim you can’t think like they do. Yet you can. You just chose not to.
#NoChanges - Twinks in Vanilla were super expensive. If you plan to stay in the 10-19 bracket then you are going to have to deal with it. Also seperating the two BG’s has completely killed the twinking community on the whole.
Whats the big deal about twinks?
I hardly BG when I’m leveling. It’s a waste of time if you’re goal is to get to max level. And if you want to PVP, well the twinks are the same level as you! The game doesn’t have a gear check. So if you want to PVP, just deal with it.
No, it isn’t.
Clipping through terrain is an exploit. Gearing up your alts is called preparation.
Of course, it was clearly shown when blizzard added EXP to BG’s and made twink BG’s with EXP off that twinks really didn’t want to fight other twinks they just wanted easy kills.
I guess because they’re just bad at pvp…
Preparation it’s increase your skills by practice, not buy “things”.
Ah, OK. So, a guild doing a raid ISN’T preparing for said raid by gathering and purchasing items for food buffs, pots and flasks…Got it…
faulty logic, there just were not enough of them to get games going, especially during off hours
If there weren’t even 10 twinks on each side in a given bracket with cross realm BG’s it clearly wasn’t a very popular play style.
that is irrelevant
No it’s not, for years twinks were claiming that there was a large active community of twinks who really just wanted to fight other twinks.
Blizzard made that happen in a way that gave both the twink community exactly what they wanted and made BG’s better for non twinks. The twink community died, guess they lied…