Home found. Loving these guys!
Hi. I think you might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.
Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.
We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.
We also have achievement seekers. And battleground and arena gurus. We’re knowledgeable and helpful. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.
If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.
Hey there Jamen,
Love the flexibility you offer. I have a close knit group that I am recruiting for on the Thrall server named Assault. I’ll link our spam below, it includes my Battle.net info - you can add it to reach out further if everything else aligns for you.
To your note on extracurricular events - we do a sign up weekly to run at least one M+. Currently that’s the extent, but there have been talks of doing some old achievement and transmog runs. In our guild, if you have an interest in something, it doesn’t necessarily have to be officer driven or inspired. Bring your desire to do things and others will follow along.
That being said, Thrall is a fairly high populated realm since the server does have at least one highly ranked raiding guild in the world. If things don’t work out, I am certain you can find other communities here on Thrall that you would enjoy, so your boost wouldn’t be a waste at all. However, since you are looking for something fun and close knit, I don’t think that would be an issue.
Hey Jamen, on Zul’Jin horde is recruiting a healer! rsham in preference! we raid tue/wed 9-1230 EST (ST) and sunday until we obtain AOTC on farm 9-12EST. We are currently 9/10H and 1/10M with silv at 78% starting p3. Feel free to add me in disc Fen#8048 if you want to swipe right
Hey there!
Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.
Raid Days
Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST
Our priorities for recruitment is the following:
- Healers - Resto Shaman and Disc Priest
- Ranged DPS - Balance Druid - High Priority*
- Melee DPS - Enhancement Shaman and Unholy Death Knight
All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.
Current progression
Sanctum of Domination
Normal - 10/10
Heroic - 10/10
Mythic - 3/10
Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.
Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 2000 and many more climbing.
Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)
or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.
Guild Master
Zymena - Battle.net - Defusionz#1271 - Discord - The Goon Squad#7157
Hello! I hope you’ll give us a look. We are Gates of Dawn. We are a weekend morning morning guild that raids only once a week. Saturdays at 8am est till 11am. We currently have a big hole in our healing group and could use either a priest, pally, or monk. I know you said you prefer horde but maybe your willing to give alliance a shot???
If so hit me up
Btag Ruqua#1111
Discord Ruqua#9062
Hey Jamen,
I’d love to chat with you! Add me on discord, Letholas#9581!
Hiya, Jamen!
[A] House Brighthammer (Wyrmrest Accord) is a smallish guild that raids Normal/Heroic (and sometimes dabbles in Mythic), does M+, and sometimes other activities together. We have been looking for a Healer, a dps that can tank on occasion (DK or Monk preferred), and a ranged dps. We would like to invite you to check out our family and team. Raid times are Sunday and Monday 7-10PM Pacific. We have family raid nights (Normal clears for alts, shards, or catch up) on Wednesdays in the same time slot. We use two-way Discord communication. If you are interested, I’d love to hear from you at Aristiri #1425 Bnet, or Akaitaka #9181 on Discord.
Contact me Jabini#1699 and let’s just have a chat. Would love a good healer
Hi there Jamen!
Our AOTC only guild may be a good fit for you! Feel free to reach out with any questions and best of luck in your search!
<Murloc Madness>
About Us: <Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic weekend raiding guild located on Area 52 that aims for AOTC every tier while maintaining a relaxed, fun and positive atmosphere. We have been successful in achieving our goals since Legion. When we’re not raiding, our members are hanging out in Discord playing various games together or just chatting.
Raid Schedule: Friday & Saturday 10pm-1am EST
Progression: 9/10H SoD | 10/10H CN | All BfA & Legion AOTC
Website: Apply at https://murlocmadness.enjin.com/
More Info: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Murloc+Madness
Officer: Aszuna (Discord: Aszuna#8963)
Spread the Madness!
Hey Josh!
Disorientated could be a good fit for you! We’re an AOTC focused alliance guild on Stormrage, raiding Tues/Fri 8-11pm EST. We’re on the look out for another healer but would welcome almost any class you want to reroll. We were AOTC in Nathria and are currently 10/10 N and 3/10H in SoD, with more kills coming shortly.
Check out the linked post for more info and guild flavor, and/or reach out! I’m toasted21#1832 on bnet
I appreciate all the replies, and I’ve found a new home.
Thanks so much everyone
Heya! We’re an ally guild, but we run all sorts of non-raid things during the week (like M+, legacy content, achievement/mount/xmog hunting, and sometimes we pause and do movie night or play Among Us together. If you’d like to know more, feel free to message me on discord: AwesomeLibrarian#2740
I’ll post our recruitment post below but we may be a good fit for you! [The Fallen Horde] is a Horde guild located on Thrall and would love a healer. And we can get you raid ready pretty quickly. We are looking for members with a good attitude and similar mindset for raiding / general guild activity. We want to have fun, joke around, but still work towards something. We expect our members to want to work on improving, but we’re not going to yell at you for messing up a mechanic or if you forgot to grab a flask or something.
Our raid times are Tues/Weds 8:30-11pm EST.
Please feel free to message me if you are interested!
Found my home but I appreciate the response! Maybe I’ll see ya around Thrall sometime