*Please Delete This Thread*

Thanks for listening to the majority of your players. However, many of us are confused with the wording of your post. Does this mean we can still only get 2 malefic cores perk week and it will still take an alt that just leveled their cloak 15 weeks to catch up to cap? Or does this mean we can now buy unlimited amount of cores to reach cap as long as we have to farm echoes (which is a time gate in itself)? Furthermore, if it really is only 2 cores still gained per week. Blizzard, to the people that have alts that still need to level their cloaks, can you at least increase your malefic cores gained per week to 3, so those players have a chance to reach the cap in a more reasonable time frame?


This. Can we please get clarification for this and make it right for the alts, if you need to, before implementing the hot fix.

Let us get the cores from vision and N’zoth and then also be able to purchase 2 cores from MOTHER as a catch up mechanic.

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This will still have a time gate of multiple weeks before cap. I vote for this implementation if you cannot buy all your cores off the vendor using echoes without a time gate of 2 cores per week.

Just got a response from Blizzard.

"I’ve edited the original post for clarity.

This will be repeatable, up to the current maximum Resistance that the cloak allows."

Faith in Blizzard restored :pray:


I don’t know why people seem to think they need their alts to have all the “best” corruptions, all decked out in rank 3 essences, and have a level 15 cloak with maxed out resistance.

lol my alts haven’t even bothered to unlock essences at all yet XD

ok, but that’s your choice, and a perfectly valid one. Other people do want to. Also, this effects new and returning players as well.

You are all appreciated so very much, life is crazy right now and thanks to you hard working people we get to switch off for a bit and decompress for a time, it’s valuable time for sure, again thank you all!

Hope everyone is staying on top of everything at the “home” office, I’m very excited for Shadowlands, I’m enjoying this great news AND I’m in a fantastic mood to boot!

/hugs and stay safe!


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Oh don’t even try to pull that, no they’re not and you know it. Even when Blizzard makes a positive change like this one, people will still sling mud for one reason or another.

Not saying that I don’t like the change, but don’t try to play the good guy (As in, the forums, not you specifically) when it’s very, very clear that no one here really appreciates anything Blizzard does no matter the intent or change.

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There will always be a minority trying to out voice the majority. I know cutting down the times of several weeks is what most people are happy with.

To be frank, no one here is the majority. You could add up the entire population of WoW’s Reddit and these forums and it would only constitute a small fraction of the total playerbase.

It’s literally the minority outvoicing the majority here.

The majority as in the number of lvl 120’s in the game, not the forums lol.

How do you complain about the way you can catch up a cloak on an alt
when you dont participate in Mythic raiding or pushing M+ 
You’re not being gated from any sort of content by the above changes.

It’s a hugely positive change.

You realize I’m not complaining for my main right? Derp.

They’re not limited. You can spam run M+/Arena to get them

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Was I speaking for you? Can I make my own comments of gratitude without you busting in and rocking the boat?

I was speaking in general, as you can clearly read in my comments. I also state I am in a good mood, so your negative attitude is actually wasted on me, but sure sit on my shoulders if you need a boost to voice you opinion, I got you, it’s ok.


Ok, answer this question then. How many echoes per week do you realistically believe you can farm on your alt?

That’s irrelevant. If you were really going to push content, you’d be happy with the above changes because you’d be able to grind out being caught up.

OP, Answer the question then. How many echoes per week do you realistically believe you can farm on your alt?

LOL, he dipped out without answering. Hehe.

As a returning player, I have had zero issues. It took about two weeks of infrequent playing to get my cloak to rank 15 and clear Visions with three masks. Now I just need to get the other two so I can try my hand at 4 and 5 mask clears.

I have had nothing to spend my echoes on, and for awhile I didn’t even know what they were or what they were used for. lol