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As someone who is still working 60 hour weeks because of the pandemic when I heard about the catch up I was elated. Then I looked at the cost. They should have kept the 500 for essences as we’ve already spent the time and effort to unlock and left the 2k for the cores. Wanting to reroll before shadowlands has made it overwhelming with how many echoes, coalescing visions, and corrupted momentos I miss out with only able to play 3 days (4 if I’m lucky) a week.

Like thanks for thinking of us, but it would make me feel better if you didn’t pour salt in the wound.

Yup, looks like you were.

What are you trying to do? Why are you trolling me?

I’m not trolling you, I’m pointing out that you contradicted yourself. Not sure how that’s trolling.

If you think I was trolling, you have all the tools available to you to ignore people.

I was speaking in general about the game “the entire game”.

You are making stuff up to troll me and it’s making you look silly.

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Here’s the thing: If you really thought that, you’d just put me on ignore and move on, not continue to respond to me.

Oooooh, I’m sorry I haven’t met your arbitrary prerequisite to identifying a still-flawed catch-up mechanic. And here I thought my sub was enough. Do I need to wear the right color T-mog, too?

I don’t ignore problems Odin, I confront them. Not to mention others get the opportunity to see you acting out, which is a net positive for the community.


That’s uh, not how it works. You made a false statement and got called out on it. Labeling me a troll doesn’t make the statement any more true.


See? I can do it too. No wait, that’s the gnome…

The beta hasn’t even started. Prepatch isn’t even a blip on the radar right now.

Show me my false statement.

No, you just shouldn’t complain about a catch up mechanic when you meander in content that can be completed by rolling your face around on your keyboard.

We’re being given an additional way to catch up our alts. For players that are trying to complete the most challenging difficulty in the game, this is great news - a perfect fix? No, but miles better than not having it at all.

But no, we get people like you in here whining about it who don’t even participate in relevant or challenging content. “Waaaaaaa more grinding for my alts that won’t even raid mythic or complete 15 keys on time.”

Oh sorry, there I go treating WoW like a game and not a job.

Hm… Mhm, mhm. Tell me more about how I need to be a mythic raider to be impacted by the layers of systems required to bring toons up to Ny’alotha.

You a comedian my dude :rofl:

For reference Out of curiosity, how many Echos can you get in a week?

Edit: Wording

About 4k give or take. You can grind more from m+and battleground victories for those so inclined. Then factor in how many you spend across essences and corruptions, let alone cores.

Here’s the basics. Obviously you can farm endlessly through M+ and PvP and it’s not hard to accumulate coalescing essences to smash 0 mask keys and get 800 each.

I can make ~2k in one night of pushing keys without even paying attention. Add in a few thousand from the weekly chest, another thousand from the PvP chest and you can smash them out.

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All of BfA serves as proof of one thing: Don’t even bother with alts. Find a class you enjoy to declare as your main and don’t waste your time playing anything else.


So because you chose to use your time in easy content and others chose to use their time in harder content they’re treating it like a job? wut

I didn’t say you were not impacted. I called you out for whining when you don’t need any better gear to complete the content you participate in. Some players need the gear to progress, and you’ve made it abundantly clear you’re not interested in progressing, so when you cry about not being able to catch up fast enough it’s hard to take you serious.

Nah, you just don’t think I’m impacted -enough- lol. Take this standup on the road bud, you’ll make some decent coin XD

The Echoes of Ny’alotha drop rate has been increased by 5 times today on NA servers (EU tomorrow) and players have started to acquire the currency for when the Corruption Vendor goes live. Find out how to obtain Echoes of Ny’alotha and how much each…

Here’s the basics. Obviously you can farm endlessly through M+ and PvP and it’s not hard to accumulate coalescing essences to smash 0 mask keys and get 800 each.

I can make ~2k in one night of pushing keys without even paying attention. Add in a few thousand from the weekly chest, another thousand from the PvP chest and you can smash them out.
---------------------------------------------------------------- didn’t quote it properly, guess that’s what you get when you eat at the same time while watching tv.
Actually do stuff? Not just sit in town and complain on here? That’s not even conceivable. Not trolling this is how most people play wow and it’s embarassing.