Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

Why would anyone take the time out of their day to post on the WoW forums while sock puppeting? Seems like a lot of work for a whole lot of nothing…


Idk, but it happens a lot.


I guess I haven’t really noticed it, always just thought that if you post on an alt to bump your own post then you must not really be confident in the post :person_shrugging:

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I’ve caught so many doing it. If you really start looking, you will find them all over. Self-liking is a big one.


think of the children


do people actually change characters just to put a heart on a post


Yes, a few do it with all 49 characters.

No wonder we can’t have a max character extension it’ll be 99 instead of 49.

50 per license. You can have 8 licenses under 1 account. So up to 400 alts, not including Classic. I found about 40 of Zandrae’s alts a while back when I caught them doing some serious sockpuppeting.

I also have a feeling Ralph is trolling, just a hunch.


that sounds too absurd to believe

there is no way someone is that bored

should i just fill a sandbox and stick my head in it

I forgot about the classic characters.

Why not give WoW Classic their own forums instead of mixing it with retail?

There are a lot that doesn’t make sense.

I dont want to have to switch characters whenever i want to post about retail and vice versa

we can’t even post until we’re at least level 10. there’s no allied races over there. maybe when death knights become a thing soon though that’ll change but who knows

You spend that much time matching achievements to prove someone is sockpuppeting? Have you tried going outside?

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You mean the 10 seconds to open 2 tabs? You must be one of them.


Yet every time someone suggests that they convert the forums to btag (solves this problem instantly), they get mercilessly flamed


Unsurprisingly by an army of alts.

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The forums have some notable people that are in favor of consequences for posts for everyone except themselves.


i feel like the main issue is classic alts. at least on a regular character you can check their collection, but classic alts are basically designed for forum trolling.

at least display the bnet account or something

you can make level 10s all day long with retail accounts

with classic you have to spend the time leveling to 10 which isn’t fast

not everyone wants to be creeped on either. just because we don’t want creeped on doesn’t mean we’re all bad

which still show the person’s account collection.

there’s no way to verify a classic character is the same person.