Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

Isn’t that sad?

Someone who I think is very smart, been through war(s) and all around great human was silenced on facebook for thirty days.

I am so tired of ppl being silenced for their opinion.

yeah but generally there’s a difference between an opinion and just being outright obtuse on purpose, or just being rude for no reason

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I’m expecting Blizzard staff to take my post into consideration and give us tools to effectively report people suspected of sockpuppeting, or at the very least implement limitations to prevent it.

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Checking battle pets and checkpvp are the easiest ways to determine if someone is swapping alts to support themselves.

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Yes, that is a way to check if somebody is switching between characters on one account, not switching between different accounts entirely. But even if we have legitimate reason to believe someone is sockpuppeting, there is no way to prompt moderators to investigate people for it.


As a moderator on a car forum: we can view every IP address, mac address, etc. However, myself and the other moderators just ban trash as compared to these forums. There are a lot of posters that make posts with the simple goal of trolling and are seemingly never dealt with (but the emotion fuel responses of others are).

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On the forum I moderate, I get a notification when another account logs on from the same IP address. We have some husband/wife combos but when it’s trolling we know it’s the same person and deal with it. The moderators here absolutely know and probably have a far more advanced system than my forum.

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I suspect this is because moderators don’t proactively monitor the forums or look at people’s profiles unless they are specifically prompted by hidden posts to do so. On top of that, I assume there are different moderators dealing with countless different people, so they aren’t likely to incidentally detect sockpuppeting. This is why there needs to be a specific option to call attention to it.


The OP is really smart and made a really thought out post. I agree with everything the OP said, and you all should as well.

Alt hopping is nothing new.
Welcome to 2006.

You mean to tell me the char lfr, lfd and lfg are all the same person :open_mouth:. Sorry had to get to my daily dose of sarcasm out of the way :rofl:

People shouldn’t be allowed to use any character but their main to post on.

No more level 10 Forumcows

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I would love a system where we could rep whatever character we wanted, but our history and post count are tied to the account itself, if that makes sense. With the system we have now, and as someone who DOES like to post on their main, I am basically stuck with starting again at zero in Dragonflight, or just posting on a character I no longer play. -_-

Better yet, just let us set up a user name and avatar like every other forum. :frowning:


Damn I didn’t know there was even a term for this. Maybe just make it like Sniperorc said, just give us a single BNet login for the forums so we cannot change faces and have to deal with the consequences of our actions.

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But the crust adds to the sock puppets backstory!

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Omg I could never hide on an alt… my collection of little pets and all their names are way, way too distinctive lol.

I do sometimes post on other characters though for specific threads.



I’d rather Blizzard focus their resources on dragon flight than their forums. Only a small % come here and it’s really not necessary to make drastic changes.

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Can you definitively prove someone is sockpuppeting or are you just speculating because you don’t like a particular person?

Every other Blizzard forums uses BattleTags. It would be so easy to convert.

Pet collection and account wide achievements don’t lie


Best idea, yet!