Please Clear the Mail from Mailbox

I don’t see mail on Froggles - looks like transfer is in progess

Hi - Same issue. Hammsamiches on Grobbulus. Attempting to move to Eranikus.

I have this issue with my two mains on grobb as well. I tried all the above troubleshooting as well, but no luck.

REALLY Wish i had tried moving them before i did it for my 8 alts… and before all my friends had left for eranikus. qq

Best guess is its an EPL quest related to the scourge event, but i have no idea…

opened a ticket ( US85894052) ; fingers crossed the 8d 9h eta on a response is exaggerated. :expressionless:

[issue is on: Eyecwiener - Grobbulus and Wienercritzl - Grobbulus]

Cairdeas should be good.

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Hammsamiches should be good

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Annnnd, your two should be good


I believe that Orlyia has logged off for the night. Please be sure to put in a ticket and if one of our amazing Blues can help in the meantime, you can always close your ticket (unless it happens to get answered first).


I’m trying to transfer my Death Knight but I am getting the error saying that I have mail. I’ve cleared my inbox, made sure I have nothing in the AH but I still can’t transfer. I’ve been trying for a good couple of days and no luck. Grègg on Grobbulus is the one I’m trying to transfer in TBC Classic.

Uh…okay? I mean, you don’t expect them to work for 48+ hours straight right?

Did you put in a ticket like suggested?


Sure, I opened up a ticket that might get a response within 3 days. Pretty crazy to have to wait that long to play a game that we are currently paying a subscription for. Was pretty excited to see someone from Blizzard being helpful in real time.

Orlyia’s been at it since early afternoon. But that’s not to say whoever gets in tomorrow morning won’t pick up where she left off. Your timing is just unfortunate because she had just posted she was scooting off for the night.

Leave your posts up here, and perhaps whomever is in next will be able to help clear things through for folks like she’s been all day.


Here’s to hoping. Orlyia should get a bonus for doing God’s work. Whoever deletes my mail should also get a bonus.

Just keep an eye on this thread and also your character. If the mail comes through and you’re able to push the transfer, please just pop in here to edit your post so that they know you’re good. Good luck to you!

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I am having an issue transferring on this character as well for the same reason. Can’t recall interacting with any specific quest. Trying to go to Sulfuras before the free transfers close and don’t want to miss out because of this.

Any help would be appreciated in clearing my mailbox.

I am havin the same issue with my warrior Rodsmash on Grobbulus, trying to move to old blanchy.

Also my friend Darknito is going through the same issue. We both did a few quests related to the invasions.

Appreciate anybody who looks into this :slight_smile:

Same issue here - Kundali on Grobbulus. Could use a clearing of the quest mail. The Argent Dawn are holding my character hostage and I am beginning to feel that the bad guys won the battle of Light’s Hope.

I have the same issue here, Darknito on Grobbulus, trying to move to Old Blanchy.

Everyone above should be good. Either by deleted mail - or by mail showing up that you could delete yourself…and the transfers were already started.


much thanks!

Loving the new realm (and lack of queue)


I can’t transfer my Paladin, Hurin. I am also getting the message to clear my mailbox despite it being empty. Ticket is pending. Thank you for the help.