Please Clear the Mail from Mailbox

Dear Orlyia or Vrakthris:

OP here. While I do appreciate the quick / professional response from Vrakthris and Orlyia taking over and helping a lot of people out as a result of this, my situation was unfortunately not remedied before the window was closed. If there is any possibility of either one of you personally looking at my ticket / circumstances I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

The .support forum. agents generally do not have the ability to directly respond to, or close support tickets.
Due to the extremely high volume of tickets at the moment, it appears that they have been given the ability to delete mail and close out that specific category of tickets where transfers were prevented due to mail. That’s pretty low hanging fruit and there’s little chance of causing additional problems.

They haven’t been given the ability to resolve other categories of tickets, particularly those involving policies established by the devs regarding what servers are available for transfers and when.

The answer to your issue lies with the devs and so far, we don’t know when, or even if, they will offer a solution to it.
You are not the only player in this or a similar situation. However, with blizzard frantically paddling in an attempt to keep up with the ticket queue, I really don’t see them announcing anything at this time that might increase their ticket volume. Their bandwidth only stretches so far.

I think that right now, your only option is “wait and see” what happens after the multiple current situations that exist now are resolved.

Not seeing mail on Hurin, Bothan. Something else may be blocking the transfer. Your ticket is still in queue for a GM to have a closer look.


Please clear my mail as well.
I’m trying to transfer Choghoul off Benediction, and still have the same issue.

Ticket Number: US85919787

Try now Choghoul


great, works now! you’re the best :slight_smile:


Possible to clear my mail as well?
I’m trying to transfer Powerbraids off of Grobbulus.
Ticket Number: US85927433

Should be good now Kralan


Hello i am having the same mail error problem my name is ibris on faerlina

hello yes,
i had been talking with GMs for the last 3 days trying to transfer over my toon. today after being told my ticket needs to be escalated it got closed. I am unable to transfer my 70 paladin (Darkmimic) from benediction to the new FREE transfer server Eranikus. I am not in a guild, I dont have mail in my inbox, No active auctions, less then 5,000 gold, and I have less then 10 characters on the new realm and less then 50 characters on my account. I was able to transfer all of my other character, except for my main paladin. Please assist me!
the last response i got was

A Game Master set the status of your ticket to “Need More Info”, and left the following response:
It’s GM Verdaniih here, I hope you’re doing well today!

Thanks for getting back on this and I know this must be really frustrating for you.

After checking everything out now there looks to be an underlying issue here that I can’t resolve. I have escalated the case up for this to be looked into and to resolved.

Sadly I don’t know how long this will take to be sorted but I will let you know as soon as I hear back on the matter.

This might not be the answer you were hoping for but I have done my best to help you and wish you a good day.

 i only get "an error has accured. try again later."  i  also had to open up a ticket for a name change.  cause it wasnt going through like 2 weeks ago when it was open. i dont know if this is causing the issue on why it has it errored me from transfering.

The GM closed the ticket, but put it up for further review by other people with more power to go over such things. Your ticket is still there, just not open for you to see as it was pushed higher up the chain. They will contact you when they figure out a resolution for it.


no i closed it some how not them.

OP here. My issue was resolved btw. Thanks to all the GMs /CMs involved in this. Seems like there’s been quite a few stepping in to gather info and help w/ this issue that’s affecting many. IMO ya’ll deserve raises for going above and beyond. Have faith guys. I was patient and understanding and … it paid off for me! Thanks again.


If at all possible I am having the same mail issue. It has been over 24 hours, hoping to transfer before another server gets locked. Talashidoo - Benediction. Thank you!

Sid - looks like you got this going.

There are so many things that can stop these. I do see you still have an open ticket.

The only thing I’m seeing that might be stopping this is a caged pet. I see at least one - in your bank, a Red Helper Box. You could try learning that - or deleting it, see if that frees up this transfer to process.

Otherwise, your ticket is open.


Happy to hear this got sorted!

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Give it a go now.

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i put all my pets on even the red helper box it still says and error was encountered. please come back later.

Ok, that’s not it then. They are going to have to dig into this more.