Please Change Sylvanas's Face Back for SL

Rotting corpses are not attractive.

You could use the new Sylvanas model and say it was for a new flavor of white elf and I wouldn’t doubt you.

[wistful thinking mode activated]

It won’t really matter how she looks after we mount her head on a spike at the end of Shadowlands, right?

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My opinion is that she looks more reflective of her choices and her true self now than she did before. I feel that’s a good thing. She looks more gritty and more serious. Plus, what’s it matter anyways because hopefully, hopefully shes going to get a traitor’s death and we’ll be rid of her!

Everytime I see someone go on about sylvannas setting us free or breaking the cycle for our own good, I am immediately reminded of Flat Earthers.

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What does her chest have to do with making her face look weird?

Hello, officer? Yes, this post right here.

Meh, I like the changes… I didn’t like her Alpha look.

she looks like the pure evil POS she is. Cannot wait to end her existence.

Maybe listen to the conversation we were having and you’d know.

Yeah, I thought you were replying to someone else.

You don’t think Sylvanas should have a resting sneer face?

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Her skin color changed and she lost 20 pounds. :thinking:

She should talk to who ever rez’d Calia, she got two feet taller and breast implants. :unamused:

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BEHOLD the POWER of the LIGHT or something

I just cant believe we have to battle yet another significant Horde leader.

When the writers never play the game, or main Alliance… this is what happens.

You do realize several developers including Metzen are Alliance mains right?

It’s hard to feel as pretty as the other girls without the filters

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That was my point, Broflake.

But are they still alliance mains or did they switch sides?

Still alliance mains

Ah, the sarcasm was too strong
