Please Change Sylvanas's Face Back for SL

Detail added to her lips and hair
Eyes were changed
Markings on her eyes also changed
Less blue skin

That scar will always make me happy

Lok’tar ogar brother

Oh dang sharp eyes I didn’t notice that

i mean, I can see that the graphics changed, but her look I feel is still very similar to the prior look

So basically you are just upset your undead waifu isnt hot anymore?

How she looks before she becomes a pile of ash that blows away on the breeze like the last steps of Melisandre, is of no importance whatsoever.

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That would be the sexiest version of her ever.

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I’m glad I was the only one to notice the tear stains (burns?) Are now actually there, more in place with the warbringer comics.


It always threw me seeing her as a Nelf. Back when I started in BC I didn’t really know much of WoW’s history, but starting as a Belf knowing Sylvanas was part of their history, as told in the ghostlands quest lines, then seeing a Nelf when I first met her, I was so confused!!

I love her updated look. Love the new armor.

Now, does anduin have an updated look for Shadowlands?? That’s the real question!!

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She looks beautiful in classic wow as a night elf :sunglasses:

I think she looks way cooler, honestly. I thought her other model that the invented for Shadowlands was hot garbage (at least the eyes) and she looked not only incomplete, but she looked like she was a Vanilla-esque model.

I honestly don’t think anyone can explain, in detail, why they think that this model looks bad. It looks like Sylvanas but higher resolution and more sinister looking.

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I think they were going for a Cinematic look
At least it’s better than the initial Shadowlands build.

Eugh… walking corpses are not attractive.


It’s very likely that weird regular skin toned not blue / gray model for her was just a placeholder

gestures to alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the hot vampires in media

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Any thing alive is evil. So we can safely assume she is evil towards us. Well, except for the forsaken she didn’t kill.

Hot. Undead. …pick one.

Vampires are undead. That was my point

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Sylvanas over the years.

I think her latest look is amazing.

3rd one was best. She was waifu.

I don’t need to see the big picture. Just the part of that picture where she killed millions and sent them straight to hell to empower herself.

There is no bigger picture that could possibly justify that.

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