Please Change Sylvanas's Face Back for SL

Showing off a flat stomach is thin privilege.

I am all for eye candy, especially if it is inclusive. Maybe this makes me old fashioned? :man_shrugging:

As long as we’re able to separate her head from her shoulders, I could care less what Blizzard does with her face.


Don’t think her health could get any better…or worse :sweat_smile:


All they did really was shrink her tear marks a little and her eyes have a more visible pupil. It’s entirely possible those are placeholders. Especially since I’ve seen old alpha screenshots where her skin wasn’t even gray.

Zooming in a bit it looks like they updated the look to her lips and hair. Nice. Given the skin color difference it’s possible they just updated her actual skin

She looks hotter, I am a bit biased though, I do love me some goth chicks.

I mean even my gay dude butt can appreciate a good goth chick

( Dem Goth BFs tho <3 )


She looks more sinister than she ever was in the past. I think it fits her better since I thought she looked weird with the round face when she is undead.

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Well, it is very different… But it is closer to her appearance in the CGIs, which imo is a good approach.

It’s really bad that both Sylvanas and Anduin look like totally different people in the CGI and ingame!

Her eye markings being so big and not tear like in BfA always struck me as odd. They go out of their way to show her getting those marks and how they look in those little artsy cutscenes and her in game model looked lazy when it came to them.

I like that with this new look they actually look thin and not just a big V down her eye


To make her barely distinguishable from her previous appearance - it disassociates her from the appearance we’ve all learned to know and love into something much less familiar.


Fancy cgi anduin: bootiful
In game cutscene anduin: Practically a trogg


Plus her whole face structure, lips and EYES look like accurate with how she’s portrayed in the CGIs.

The only think a little off is the skin color, because in those movies, she is a bit more purple.

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Yeah. Folks joked when BFA was announced that Sylvs face in the cgi looked very catlike. Especially when you see her little teefs when she yells for the horde. So it’s nice to see a more cat like face.

I think she looks better.

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To be honest I think there are only 2 toons in BfA where their cgi and in game version look close.

Magni and Wrathion

There’s a few old Sylvanas

She’s ever-changing!


Part of the conversion to the throne.

Uh? I don’t think they appear in any CGI, as in the movies cutscenes that aren’t rendered like ingame graphics: Like the Saurfang movies.

I actually hated her late Wrath/Cata model, because the exposed midriff… Isn’t she supposed to have a HUGE Frostmourne scar over there?

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